10 Years Later

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It was a pleasant summer day. Birds were chirping, a slight breeze blew in from the west, little girls were playing with their toys in the colorful cobblestone streets of the Lesbian Kingdom, feminine and masculine lesbian workers alike were at work hauling large pipes and beams while the little ones watched them in awe.

Three women, a brunette, a blond and a strawberry blond, were sitting outside doing their laundry together and laughing. The brunette says, "So when do you think Queen Ellen will be back, I wonder?"

The blond replies with a scoff, "I don't know but when she does, she needs to whip Princess Lola into better shape."

The strawberry blond laughs. "I know right? That poor girl can't even fully control her own strength yet. That girl must be quite the handful for the poor queens."

"If you're suggesting that we take care of her for the queens then you're out of your damn mind!", the brunette joked. The other two laughed.

Another breeze swept its way through the kingdom and into Lola's bedroom, shuffling the curtains. Lola hardly even noticed because she was busy rummaging through her stuff.

"C'mon, Mittens! You've gotta help me here!", Lola said frantically.

Mittens, with his head underneath a blanket, muffled a meow in response and continued to lay there on Lola's canopy bed. 

Lola huffed. "C'mon lazy bones! Just this once help me! My mom would kill me if I lost my cape in my disaster area of a room! I need it for today's ceremony!"

Mittens pulled the blanket off of his head, tilted his head and meowed at her.

Lola groaned in annoyance. 

"Ahem", someone said. Lola turned around to see her mom, Queen Stephanie, holding her cape in one hand and her other hand at her hips. "Looking for this?"

Lola laughed nervously and grabbed the cape from her mom's hand. "Ehehehehe yeah. Thanks, mom."

"You're welcome", she said with a smile. "Now get downstairs", she demanded.

Lola laughed nervously again. "Ehehe yes ma'am." And quickly put on her cape and followed her mother.

When they got downstairs to the dining room there were cats everywhere! Some were smacking down stuff, others were getting into fights with one another, others were sitting on the dining table and others were playing with one another.

Lola gawked at the sight. "How'd all these cats get in here???"

Queen Stephanie shrugged. "Don't know but I DO know who's going to get them out of here."

Lola perked up. "Really? Who?"

Queen Stephanie looked at Lola and smiled.

Lola's eyes widened in shock. "Noooooooooooo! Moooooooom!"

"None of that, now. Get to work. I need this place spotless, and all of these cats taken care of before the ceremony starts tonight. Got it?", her mom said.

Lola grunted. "Urggggggh. Yes mom."

Two hours went by, and all the cats were gone, and the dining hall was all prepared and spotless.

Lola was hung over a chair and breathing heavily, catching her breath.

Queen Stephanie giggled. "Too much for you, huh?"

Between breathes Lola said, "Why yes mother. It was."

The queen giggled again. "C'mon. Our guests will be arriving any moment now. Hurry along and get dressed."

Lola sprung up. "Aye, aye, captain!", and ran upstairs.

Three hours went by and the whole dining hall was full of all the townsfolk. Some of the more feminine lesbians were in dresses while the more masculine lesbians were in suits. They were all looking at the altar where Queen Stephanie and Lola were standing at.

"Lola Lezbows, Princess of the Lesbian Kingdom", Queen Stephanie stated loud and clearly, "I now dub you Princess Knight in training."

The crowd clapped.

"Listen carefully, Lola", the queen said, "Becoming a knight comes with a certain responsibility. Are you willing to take charge for your own people?"

Lola nodded with proud tears in her eyes.

Queen Stephanie nodded. "Then I present to you the Sword of the Shining Pearl!", and handed the sword to Lola.

Lola's face looked like it had melted she was in so much awe. She grabbed the sword, and it shone a huge pink wave of light. Brightening the whole castle.

"Wooooooaaahh", Lola said in utter awe. Her eyes shone with tears. "Thanks, mom", she said, and she hugged her mom.

Her mom hugged her back. Tears in her eyes.

The crowd smiled at them both.

The doors of the castle burst open suddenly and a very worried messenger rushes in and makes her way to the altar. "My queen and princess! I have terrible, terrible news!"

The queen is taken back by this but remains calm. "What's wrong, Samantha?"

"Queen Ellen has been abducted!", Samantha answers.

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