He actually is...

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!tw!: cussing fighting very over protective Hinata

-Kenma pov-

I was mad but even if it was my boyfriend cheating my best friend was madder... "TSUKISHIMA KEI WHAT ARE YOU DOING STANDING HERE CALLING HIM BABE FOR WHEN YOU BOTH HAVE BOYFRIENDS YOU FUCKING CHEATERS!" "..I listen Hinata let me explain." That's when it happened they realized they'd been caught by their boyfriends and a very overprotective friend. "T-Tadashi I can explain ok I promise I wanted to tell you but-." 

Hinata jumped at Tsukishima and started punching him in the face breaking his glasses and giving him a nosebleed as me and Yamaguchi just stood their and watched. "GET OFF OF HIM YOU BITCHY SHORT FUCKING CARROT." Hinata looked at Kuroo who was trying to get him to stop hitting Tsukishima which he did but then he punched Kuroo in the face and knocked him over beside Tsukishima. "Don't tell me what to fucking do when you just cheated on my best friend you damn cheater."

 "Listen Hinata, Yamaguchi, Kenma I  wanted to break up with Yamaguchi before me and Kuroo started dating but he said well it's fine they'll never know and then he sort of manipulated me into thinking we wouldn't get caught and if we did you guys wouldn't care I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to cause any harm.." 

Honestly I wouldn't doubt Kuroo did he tends to do this to a lot of people that's how he's had a lot of boyfriends/girlfriends. I helped Tsukishima up and we just stood their watching Kuroo struggle to fight back my demon best friend. After we finished we told Tsukishima we couldn't forgive him and he understood completely but then Yamaguchi kicked him out of their band. He pleaded and begged as we left but the last thing Yamaguchi said to him was "Watch our band rise to even more fame as you might start your own and stay with Kuroo or you might get a different job but we have a new drummer." We left at that and went to my house. 

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