Kageyama Tobio

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!TW!: Yandere-ish ways from a certain character I might make him a yandere later though right now he just seems like it (idk if this is a TW I'm warning abt it anyways.).

-Yamaguchi pov-

"I uhm guess I should leave to." Kenma nodded looking at his phone. "When's the band practices?" I forgot to tell him about this plus he has to learn all our old songs. "Monday- Wednesday at 10-6 we order lunch and dinner I will also have to send you our older songs so you can learn to play them." Kenma nodded. "I don't need it I know the songs Kageyama comes over to practice sometimes when he has nothing else to do since I have a music room and I help him and I played the drums then." I nodded in shock. "Well then that's great but I have to go now bye Kenma!" Kenma nodded and said bye as well then I left and went home.

-Timeskip (At Yamaguchi's house night before Kenma's first practice)-

/In Kageyama and Yamaguchi's pms\ 


 Hey Tobio we got a new 

drummer Tsukishima is out of the band


Ok who's the new drummer

and why is he out of the band?

The new drummer is Kenma 

Tsukishima is out because he 

cheated on me with Kuroo, Kenma's 

boyfriend so he got kicked out 

and Kenma joined.

Oh ok I'm sorry that happened


Well we couldn't control it 

I'm gonna sleep now Tobio good night.

Good night Tadashi.

-Out of pms (Kageyama pov)-

Ugh finally that he broke up with that salty asshole. He doesn't deserve my Tadashi. Plus we have a better drummer that fucking salty ass bitch sucked at drumming and everything to do with music he was only in the band because Tadashi liked him but now he's out and Kenma's in this is amazing and it seems like a early Christmas present. All just for me I can't wait for Tadashi to realize Tsukishima never deserved him to the point he cheated on him that's messed up but at least I have a chance with Tadashi and no boyfriend to get in my way.

-Third person pov-

One thing Yamaguchi never noticed was Kageyama's big crush on him which is kinda stupid if you ask Hinata but also very sweet. Or at least it was until Hinata found out about Kageyama's yandere way acting about his crush except he didn't kill anyone he would just sabatoge their relationship the best he could. Some worse than others but Hinata or anyone else has never seen Kageyama crush on someone as bad as his crush on Yamaguchi but of course they all let it slide and knew except Tsukishima and Yamaguchi themselves. 

It's crazy how some people never realize how long you've been in love with them or how they might not realize it at all until the confession or they never learn. It is a very tragic story when this happens but it must happen sometimes and sometimes some are just not supposed to confess that's what happened with all of Kageyama's other crush's they all never noticed he was in love with them even though he was the nicest person ever to them, want to hang out whenever he could, and he would write songs for them and he actually played some of the songs to his crush's but always shared them with his 2 best friends Kenma and Hinata.

How many crushes has he had before? Well we have an entire list where to start? Oh right his gay awakening in middle school (My AU). Then to his highschool and any other crushes I can think of.

-Oikawa Tooru (Former)

-Kunimi Akira (???)

-Akaashi Keji (Former)

-Hinata Shoyo (Former)(They actaully went on a few dates but decided against dating and stayed best friends.)
-Atsumu Miya (Former)

-Yamaguchi Tadashi (Now crush and since about 2nd year)

Ah yes those are his crushes in order there a few but only 2 are important in specific for the story plot Kunimi Akira and Yamaguchi Tadashi. You might be confused how would Kunimi go with the story well let me explain a bit. Kageyama Had a crush on Kunimi since the end of his first year to his last year of middle school. They ended up dating during middle school but broke up when Kunimi cheated on Kageyama with Kindaichi fucking Yutaro. Kageyama's middle school "Best friend" or in reality his (still to this day) enemy. He had always wondered why Kunimi did it and he realized one reason and one reason why he would've.

He thought Kageyama was faking his love because of his family issues.

Family issues? I can explain but not now maybe next time...

To be continued.

Thanks for reading this if you are I hope you enjoyed!

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