𝒮𝒽𝒽, 𝒾𝓉'𝓁𝓁 𝒷𝑒 𝒻𝒾𝓃𝑒!..

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The term Impure Regression may come up soon, which doesn't relate to DDLG or anything kink related. It just describes somebody regressing due to being upset.
Also, these are oneshots, so no roles are set in stone. In this one shot, Mugman does not regress, but he will in future oneshots.
Also as always, I will clarify this IS NOT a ship.

Characters;; Cuphead and Mugman.

Cuphead's childhood was...interesting. He never considered himself ''traumatized'', just a troubled kid. Everyone thought he was always so immature in an attempt to be funny, but in recent years, he realized...that its more than that.

Sometimes, he felt like a small child. He would suck his thumb, and mumble and slur his words. Thunder and lighting would make him shriek, and huddle underneath a blanket. He tried to keep this under wraps, though. When ever somebody asked about why he was acting so off, he would joke it off or make up an excuse.

Today was no different. After he and his brother slogged through a long day, and then they got to go relax at home. He sat on the counter, sipping out of a glass with both hands. He swung his feet and mumbled to himself about something. Mugman walked in and raised an eyebrow at him.

''What are you doing?''

"Mm?'' Cuphead cooed, raising his head.

''Dude, you're sipping your drink like a kid-''

''Oh..Sorry bubb-..Mugman.''

''W-what?..'' Mugman gave a slight breathy chuckle.


''Were you gonna call me...Bubba?''


''Hey, bud. Do you...uhm. Feel like..a kid? You know...You know?''


''Oh. Do..Do you know what that's called?''

''I..I thinks? Age regression?''

''Yeah! Yeah..I got interested in it for a while..so. How long have you done it?''

''...couple months? I 'unno.''

''Oh..okay. Well..do you have somebody to take care of you?''

''Nah. S'werid.''

''What's weird about it?''

''...I am. 'S weird dat I do dis..''

''Its not weird! Its..its healthy. Look, I'll..I'll take care of you. Only if you want, ya' know?''

''S'guess its be okay..If you don't make funna me.''

''I won't make fun of you!''

Mugman smiled. He felt good taking care of of his brother. Since he was the younger sibling, Cuphead always took care of him. It made him feel like he was...giving back. He hopped next to him on the counter, and wrapped his arm around him.

''So..Do you know what age you feel like right now?''

''I zunno. Like..maybe 6?..I'm nots a baby.''

''Alright! I have something for you.'' Mugman chuckled, and hopped off the counter and walked into the hallway.

''What's ya doing?'' Cuphead asked, getting off the counter and looking in the hallway. Mugman pulled a box down, and took the top off. ''Its a box of stuff from when we were kids!''

He took a bunny plushie, an baby spoon, and an old pacifier out.

''Hey, this paci has your name on it! Hah, you loved this thing...Held unto it for a long time!''

''Ooo, ooo! Bunny! Bunny!'' Cuphead held his hands out and grabbed at the bunny plushie.

Mugman smiled, and gave him the plush, and watched as he snuggled it. ''I 'member 'im!'' He said, before walking over to the couch, and reshaping the fur, to reveal the button eyes, and small red ribbon it wore.

"What's their name?" Mugman asked, sitting next to him.


"Ohh, okay. Like from Winnie the Pooh."

Cuphead smiled and leaned on Mugman. The time ticked on, and it started getting late.

"Hey, we should head to sleep." Mugman said. Cuphead yawned, and nodded, before letting Mugman take him by the hand and tuck him in with his new rabbit friend.

"Night night, cups. "

"Night night, bubba."

Everyone slept a little better that night..

Cuphead Agere One-Shots!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora