I'm Sweet Like Pie

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Amnesiac regressor!Mugman
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(An amnesiac Regressor is someone who, when they regress do not remember anything before that)

This was not proof read! Please excuse any spelling mistakes.

Kingsley smiled as he hummed, baking a cake. Mugman was sleeping in his room, tossing and turning. Trying to shake himself awake, he cried gently in his sleep. Kingsley hung up his apron as he waited for the cake to finish, walking down the hallway.

He heard the soft crying coming from Mugman's room, and he slowly pulled open the door, peeking inside. He turned on the near by lamp, and gently shook Mugman. His eyes shot open as he cried harder.

This was so confusing. Where was he? Who was this? Why does this feel familiar? And why was his only the only thing he could think to do is cry? His eyes filled up with tears as he wiped them away, trying to remember.

"Hey, Mugman. Calm down, okay? What's wrong?"
"M..s-scared..dunno where m am.."

He thought for a moment, recalling when he was researching different types of regression after Mugman mentioned it to him. He hummed, as he got down on one knee.

"I'm Kingsley, I'm your dad. You're in your room, and I'm making you a cake. Do you understand better?"

Kingsley smiled, and stood up, leaning over the crib on the bed.
"May I carry you to the kitchen?"

Mugman's tears had dried, as he clung to their coat. The smell of the cake was great, and it made him feel fuzzy in his tummy. He smiled, as Kingsley sat him down on a small seat by the  counter.

"I made your favorite flavor. Would you like to help frost it, when it cools?"
"Yes, please.."
"What good manners you have, baby boy." Kingsley cooed, smiling as he opened the fridge.
"Would you like some juice? I can pour it up in a nice cup for you."
"Yes please."

His eyes lit up as he looked around, clapping his hands together as he swung his legs. Kingsley handed him a juice and took the cake out of the oven. Mugman sipped some of his juice out of his small cup, smiling.

Kingsley pulled the cake out of the oven placed it near the other side of the counter. He smiled as he picked Mugman up and gently put him on his hip. He swayed over to the cupboard and pulled out some frosting. Mugman happily squealed as Kingsley pulled out a stood for Mugman to stand on, and a spoon.

"Okay, Mugs. Take this spoon and gently spread the frosting on the cake. You got that?"
"Ya! Thank you!"

Kingsley nodded, and stepped back to give Mugman some room. He hummed in approval as Mugs did as he was told, gently frosting the cake, making sure to keep his fingers clean. When the whole cake was covered in frosting, he turned back to Kingsley and flashed a gap toothed smile.

"I do good?"
"You did great, baby."

Mugman clapped as he watched Kingsley take the cake out to the dinner table, and smile.

"This will be perfect for after dinner, kiddo. Do you want to help me?"

{529 words}

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