Tantrums :(

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CW/ Tantrum (yelling, crying, stomping)

CG: Devil (or dev)
Little: Cuphead

Cuphead sat on the floor coloring a picture for his dad! It was a drawing of The Devil with a hat that Cups saw on a shop window. It was his dad's favorite hat.

A few minutes passed, and well, speak of the Devil, he walked in.

"Hey, little man. It's time for a bath."

Oh no! That's not what the plan was at all..he still has to finish his drawing. Cuphead pouted and shook his head, going back to his coloring. Dev sighed, and walked over.

"You can come right back to your drawing if you hurry. It won't take long."

Cuphead nodded again, and huffed. Didn't dad know what he was trying to do? Dev sighed, and decided to bring out the big guns.

"Alright. I'll count to ten (10) and if you're not in the bathroom, you'll have to go straight to bed after."

Cuphead gasped as Dev started to count. He stood up and stomped his foot, his face flushed red.  "No! I don't wanna!"

Dev sighed as he got closer to ten (10), realizing that Cuphead wasn't about to move. When he stopped counting, he walked over and scooped Cups up, which he didn't like at all.

"Pumme down!! Said I don't wana taka bath!"
His eyes teared up as he tried to wiggle out of Dev's arms. His patience was running thin, and he was ready to head to sleep himself.

"Cuphead. You need to take a bath. I tried to give you a ch-"

Cups yelled as loud as he could, kicking himself away from Dev's chest.

Dev stopped in his tracks and put Cuphead down. He placed his arms on Cups shoulders, and looked him in the eyes.

"We do not hit people. And we use our inside voices when we are inside. I think you need to sit out for a while and then we can talk."

Dev motioned to a small chair in the corner of Cuphead's room. It has a small cushion on it, and all the legs are different colors. Cuphead looked over at it, and back to Dev. He didn't mean to yell that loud..or hit Dad..

He walked over to the chair and held his knees under his chin, huffing quietly. He hated sitting in this dumb chair. He also hated making his dads mad..

"Dad must hate me now. I'm a screw up."

He thought to himself, as he buried his face in his knees. A few minutes passed and he could hear Dev walk into the room. Cups face was stained in tears, as he looked up to face him.

"Hey, little man. You ready to talk?"

He nodded, and tried to wipe his face. Dev sat down in-front of him, and took a deep breath.

"That's not how we handle big feelings." He said, softly. Just loud enough for Cuphead to hear. 

"I know, I'm sorry for being bad."

"Woah, little man. You weren't being bad. You had big feelings and you made a mistake handling them. I made a mistake too. I shouldn't have picked you up without asking. I'm sorry crossing your boundaries."

"..s okay...so, you still love me..?

"Nothing is going to make me stop loving you. Especially not wanting to take a bath."

Cuphead hugged Dev, and wiped his eyes. Dev rubbed his back, in small circles. He slowly rocked them back and forth, until his breathing was back to normal.

"How about this, you take a bath, and I'll read you a story?"

"Okay! Can you read frog and toad? And do your funny voices?"

"Yeah, little man. I can do the funny voices."

Cuphead smiled and grabbed his towel, and hurried (but not too fast) to the bathroom. Dev followed after him, smiling at Henchman who was waiting patiently outside.

Once everything was said and done, Cuphead crawled onto his bed as he got tucked into bed. Dev opened the book and read it, in his funny voices, until cuphead drifted off to sleep. Quietly, he put the book away and stepped into the hallway, where Kingsley was waiting to give him a kiss.

"I don't suppose you had any trouble?"

"Oh no, none at all."


718 words

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