Part 5

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We start at the cell saga
"Goku your back"
Bulma yells out
"Yea I am but who's that"
Goku replies
"What, you mean you don't know who he is"
The group asks
"Nope never seen him"
"We'll go over to him then goku"
Caulifla tells him
Son Goku walks over to the mysterious traveler
Goku says while waving
Him and the mysterious kid have a conversation that lasts for a while with Piccolo hearing it all
"So what happens with me"
Goku asks
"You die before the androids attack you fall ill to a heart virus"
The mysterious kid says
"Damn so I won't be able to fight"
Goku replies
"Well if we didn't have a cure yea but we in the future there's a cure for it all"
"Do you have it"
Goku asks
"Yes I have it right here take it as soon as the symptoms show"
The mysterious kid says
"Wait what's your name"
Goku asks
"Trunks, my name is trunks and I'm the future son of Vegeta and Bulma"
Hearing that Goku falls over in disbelief
"Wha... them.. hmm, now that you mention it you do look like him"
Goku points out
"Ok bye goku I must go now in 3 years I hope I would of changed something"
"You will trunks and tell Bulma I said hi"
"I will goku and thank you for giving me hope in the future"
As trunks flys away and goes back to the future
"Vegeta and Bulma huh that's weird"
Goku thinks to him self
Gohan shouts
"Who was that goku"
Bulma asks
"Uh I c."
Piccolo interrupts him
"His name is trunks and he's from the future"
Goku looks at him
"You know everything right?"
Piccolo nods
"Don't worry I won't tell that part, in 3 years 2 androids more powerful then vegeta, raditz, nappa and frieza will arrive and will wipe out everything on this planet"
Piccolo informs with everyone shocked
"So for the next 3 years we will all train and prepare for them"
Bael asks
"Or even better we get shrenron to tell us the location of them and shoot them in cold blood"
Bulma suggests
"Like the phrasing of that but gonna have to say no"
Vegeta says
"Come on goku at least you will agree with me"
"I don't know Bulma he hasn't done anything wrong yet so it would be right who knows in 3 years nothing will happen"
Goku suggests
"You're all idiots"
She curses
"Well dad what were you doing while you were away"
Gohan asks
"Not much other then learning this new technique"
Goku says as he teleports to master Roshis and takes his glasses
"Huh where'd he go"
"I'm back"
Goku yells out standing next to bael
"Wait those are roshis glasses, did you teleport to Kame house"
They ask
"That's amazing goku"
Bulma says while thinking of how far he's came from losing to master Roshi and the demon king to being able to take down Frieza
"Well it's best we get to training now"
Bael suggests
"Yep see you all in 3 years"
Tien says while flying off"
"Take care of the baby"
Goku tells Bulma
"You're pregnant Bulma"
Krillin asks
"Kami no I don't know what goku is on about"
Bulma replies
"I think I do" Yamcha says while blushing
"Nah he's not that slick"
Bulma says
Back at Gokus house
"You did what"
Goku asks
"That's right I filed for divorce"
Chi chi replies
"While I was in space"
Goku asks
"Yep and I want you out now, I'm sick and tired of being married to someone who doesn't care for me or even be around"
Chi chi replies
"Not care chi chi I-"
Goku stops not wanting to continue arguing instead asks what's happening with gohan
"I'm not keeping him from you I'm not that evil"
Is all she says
As the door slams shut with goku wondering where to go
"I could go to kame house but I don't really want to live off roshi anymore he's looked after me enough"
Goku wonders
"Hmm oh yea I could go to Bulmas"
And with that he flys off to Bulmas with chi chi sitting on her bed wondering on how he will take it
"Miss Bulma there's someone waiting at the door going by the name Goku"
"Let him in"
Bulma says wondering what gokus doing here
"Hey Bulma"
"Hey goku what's up"
Bulma asks
"Do you think I could stay here for a while"
Goku asks
"Why can't you stay at your own place"
"Chi chi got a divorce and kicked me out"
Goku replies
Bulma looking shocked tells goku to follow her
"Here, put your stuff here"
"Thanks Bulma I appreciate it"
Goku says
"No worries goku get settled in and we'll talk tomorrow"
In a abandoned wasteland
We see Bael and caulifla sparing
"Can't believe we just got back from namek and now there's another threat"
Bael says while clashing fists with Caulifla
"Yea it's weird but we'll win we have 3 years to train"
Caulifla points out as she hits Bael with a kick
"We need to unlock super saiyan though"
"Yea we do but how though"
Caulifla says before knocking Bael down and winning the sparing match
The next day back at Capsule Corp
"So you want to talk about it now goku"
Bulma asks
"Nah I'm fine don't worry"
"You sure"
Bulma asks again
"Yea I'm sure"
"Okay I'm always here to talk"
Bulma let's goku know
"Thanks Bulma thanks a lot"
Bulmas feelings for goku are coming back again after they died down after chi chi married him at the end of the world martial arts tournament
And with that part 1 is over
Power levels
Goku-3 Million
Bael-2.8 Million
Caulifla-2.9 million
Gohan- 900k
Vegeta- 2.6 Million
Piccolo- 1.3Million
See you all next time

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