Take off! Super Son Gohan

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As Gohans power skyrockets everyone except Goku and Bael are amazed
A/N you may ask why Bael isn't surprised, well to put it frankly he's been with Gohan since Raditz he knows how powerful he can truly be, also I've retconned Kale out of u7 so the Saiyan invasion stays the same no Kale.
"Is that really Gohan? He's all grown up!" Piccolo remarks
"Perhaps Goku wasn't lying, perhaps there was a bit of truth after all, but still to say he could defeat me is a bit much. I will kill him before he hits me, you will regret your actions Son Goku! Because of your mistake your son will be killed" Cell says
Cell then flys over says a few words and gets ready Gohan then does the same
The fight for the sake of the universe is about to begin
Cell leads in with a kick which Gohan effortlessly swats away then dodges another attack from Cell then another til Cell says
"I'll have to use my full speed against you, you're an awfully quick worm!"
Cell then lunges forward grabbing Gohan headbutting him throwing him back and shooting a blast knocking Gohan into a mountain
"How immature of me to do that to a kid, maybe that was a bit too much." Cell says smirking
"You were too optimistic about this, this is your fault Goku, we all warned you about this, you killed Gohan!" Piccolo shouts
"Calm down Piccolo" Bael says
"Right, you can still sense his energy" Goku says
"He's right" Bael replies
As Gohan explodes out of the mountain standing and looking at Cell
"This fight is meaningless, please stop this" Gohan pleads
"Oh but this fight does have a meaning I'm having fun, while you are trying to save the earth" Cell says back
"I don't want to kill anybody, unlike my father I don't like to fight, not even against someone as evil as you" Gohan explains
Cell completely ignores him and just punches him and kicks him continuously beating on him trying to release that anger inside of him
"Come on get mad, show me your true powers!" Cells yells
As Gohan dodges and kicks Cell away stunning him
"One way or another I'll find your rage" Cell says
"Gohan, get angry, for the sake of our home, your future, your mother and the population of earth" Goku whispers
As Cell fires a beam that Gohan is only narrowly able to dodge, he continues to fire beam after beam which Gohan dodges, leading to Cell flying in to grab and squeeze Gohan
"Well doesn't it hurt, you don't want to die do you? Come on what's holding you back, I could snap your spine!" Cell says
"Okay Goku I've been on your side about this the entire time but if he doesn't snap I'm jumping in" Bael says
"Me too I can't stomach this any longer" Piccolo says
"Wait just a little longer" Goku says
"Wait for him to die by your choices Goku? I don't think I'm gonna let that happen" Bael says
"No, wait for him to get mad, he's our only hope to beat Cell the power is inside Gohan" Goku replies
"Goku, listen and you listen close or I will go and help him and risk our lives, your son does not have a single bit of this so called warriors stomach you think he has, did you even discuss this with him, do you know what's actually going on inside his head right about know? He's wondering why won't my dad help me when I'm on the brink of death he is scared for his life" Caulifla yells
"Krillin give me a sensu bean" Goku yells
As Gohan drops to the floor Cell can only say a few sentences
"Pathetic, if you're own pain won't release this anger. I'll do it with the help of your friends" Cell says
"Stop it!" Gohan yells
Cell flys up taking the bag of sensu and just laughs
"They're annoying I'll take it this bag contains the sensu beans right? Cell asks
But he's met with no reply
Gohan then tries flying up and kicking Cell only to be met with a kick from Cell
"If your going to get mad do it for real"
Cell yells
Suddenly 16 jumps onto Cell surprising everyone
"Forgive me for sacrificing all of you, I'll have to blow myself up along with Cell" 16 yells
At Capsule corp
"Oh no..." Bulma says
"What is it" roshi asks
"We removed the bomb from him" Bulma utters
"So this was for nothing" Roshi asks again
"Yeah sadly" Bulma says
Back at the Cell games arena
"Heh too bad metal man, of no little bomb would kill me" Cell says laughing
And he blasts 16 shooting his head near Hercule
"Now it's your turn, 1..2..3..4 7 in total, all right" Cell says
Cell then starts making mini versions of himself to attack the other Z fighters
"Go Cell juniors those seven atop that rock are your targets" Cell says
As suddenly Trunks and Vegeta burst into super Saiyan with Bael getting ready to fight
"It's pointless you can't win, they may be small but they're my children." Cell says laughing
As suddenly the Jrs fly in but Bael instantly kills one via a Big Burst attack leading the rest to swarm in on him trapping him
"Arghh" Bael screams out in pain whilst non of the Z fighters can do anything
"Stop it!" Gohan yells
"I felt your ki increase a little, you better be quick or it'll be too late look only Vegeta and Trunks are holding their own, Goku lost too much energy and Bael is unconscious" Cell laughs
"Bael wake up idiot we kinda need you" Caulifla says
"Yeah and I kinda need a warm bath, hot cakes and a movie but we aren't getting want we want today" Bael replies
"Here take some energy, you should be able to move with this" Trunks says
"Thanks Trunks" Bael replies
"I'm sorry everybody, this wasn't how it was supposed to be" Goku apologises
"I want to beat Cell they're all going to die if I can't" Gohan whispers
"What's going on, we're in trouble we oughta get out of here" reporter 1 says
"W... wait, before you go take me to that boy, please for earth" 16 says
"You've gotta be kidding!!! Cell is right next to him!" Hercule says
"You're the world Champion aren't you, don't you want to help?" 16 asks
"All right Ill do it"
As Hercule throws 16 towards Gohan the Z fighters continue to get beaten other then Bael who's managed to hide away and lower his ki
"Please stop... I'm begging you!" Gohan whimpers
"Kill them now JRs" Cell orders
16 then rolls over to Gohan
"S-son Gohan it's not a crime to fight for good there are people who will never listen to words, feel the anger, set your passions free, I know how you feel, but you don't have to hold back" 16 says
"Good advice but I'm trying to do this my way" Cell says as he starts walking over
"The wild animals and the forests I loved don't let them be destroyed, protect them for m.." 16 is then killed by Cell causing Gohan to finally snap
"Mind your own business... rust bucket" Cell says
"WAAAAAH" Gohan screams
Causing everyone to look shocked with Bael and Goku smiling and Cell finally having a look of fear.

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