The Tournament starts now

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"The tournament is commencing!" The commentator yells
"Finally I get to put Spopavich in his place" Bael
"Don't be so sure he looks strong" Krillin says
"Take it easy krillin no one is giving me any issues other then you guys" Bael replies
Spopavich and Bael both enter the tournament grounds ready to fight
"Ready to fight?" The announcer asks
"Yep, you?" Bael asks Spopavich
Spopavich just grunts
"Ready, fight!"
Bael stands there whilst Spopavich rushes in and throws a heavy combo but does nothing to Bael
"A snoozefest like we predicted" Bulma says
"Yeah I guess we had nothing to worry about" Yamcha says
"Seriously is that all you got?" Bael asks as Spopavich appears behind him with Bael catching the punch
"What... how??" Spopavich asks
"You're slow, you're predictable, and you never stood a chance" Bael says kicking Spopavich out of the ring
"Winner, Bael!!"
"How did you lose? Yamu asks
"Shut up did you figure out how to steal his energy?" Spopavich asks
"No not yet" Yamu replies
The rest of the tournament goes on the same with Piccolo quitting Krillin beating Punta and now we're at Caulifla vs Videl
"And fight"
Videl starts off with a few simple strikes whilst Caulifla dodges them all
"Come on your gonna have to try harder" Caulifla says angrily
Caulifla continues to dodge until she's hit directly in the head
"Woah Videl actually landed a hit" Bael said
"She's quite persistent" Goku says
"You have no idea" Gohan says smirking
Caulifla sends Videl back with a decent uppercut
"Caulifla is sloppy she seems annoyed" Bael says
"Definitely she's not at her best I wonder what's pissing her off" Goku says
"Probably Vegeta being egotistical today" Bael says
"You shut your mouth" Vegeta says
"I'm joking Vegeta that's probably not why she's pissed although you've been very egoistical" Bael says
"It's pride you worthless ingrate" Vegeta says
"Oh the fights over we got distracted" Bael says
"Yeah and while you were distracted Caulifla wiped the floor with Videl, Caulifla really wants to win this tournament" Goku says
"Could've atleast held back" Gohan tells Caulifla
"I did" Caulifla says
I'm going to skip to when everything goes to hell and majins are made
"So what Dabura just up and left?" Caulifla asks
"What did he mean?" Bael asks
"I don't know he said something about finding us someone else so he doesn't have to fight he said two people aswell" Supreme Kai says
"He found two new people what does he mean by that?" Gohan asks
"Your right they're different to the others, we can use them, he has an evil heart that will can manipulate and the girl is confused and has a easy access to her mind" Babadi says
"One should be enough right now, we'll use Vegeta and if it comes to it we'll use the other Saiyan" Dabura says
"That sounds stupid, you're stupid, stop being so stupid, we'll get Vegeta then Caulifla" Babadi says
"AHHH!!" Vegeta yells grabbing his head
"What's wrong?" Supreme Kai asks
"Vegeta Babadi is trying to control you through your evil clear your mind don't let him in" supreme Kai says
"Quit talking shut up!!!"
"Vegeta don't let him possess you"
"Vegeta stop it" Bael says
"What's happening" Caulifla asks
"Woo woo Ha" Vegeta grunts
"Hee hee this is great time for the other ones"
"Caulifla are you alright?" Bael asks
"I'm perfectly fine" Caulifla says grinning
"Wait no not you too" Bael says
"How but she shouldn't be evil" Gohan says
"Perfect this plan is amazing I'll make them fight somewhere else" Babadi says
"Ah?" Bael asks
"Back at the world martial arts tournament arena" Goku says
Babadi talks to both Caulifla and Vegeta telling them to harvest as much energy as possible
"Shut up my only target is kakarot I don't care about the rest" Vegeta says
"Same my only target is Bael" Caulifla says
"Oh well it doesn't matter" Babadi says
Bael and Goku both look at each other in utter confusion as Vegeta shoots a shot and Goku
"Are you out of your mind" Goku says
The blast misses Goku and kills hundreds of people
"Vegeta!" Goku yells
"If we don't want the body count to keep rising I suggest you keep fighting me Kakarot" Vegeta says
As Vegeta kills more innocent people
"No Goku dont do it Babadi wants you to fight he'll use the energy to release majin buu" Shin says
"Why did you do it Caulifla, why did you let yourself get possessed" Bael asks
"It doesn't matter I just want to kill you" Caulifla responds
"Babadi teleport me and Caulifla out of here so no one else dies, if you really want your energy that bad you'll do it" Bael says
"Fine go ahead your funeral" Caulifla says
Bael and Caulifla both get teleported away
"Bael no! Whats the point you Saiyans don't listen" supreme kai says
"Vegeta you let yourself become possessed to make me fight you without holding back?" Goku asks
"There was no point wasting time I needed to fight you again to prove I was stronger and what happened before was a fluke" Vegeta says
"That's it? That's your reason for doing such a stupid thing" supreme kai says
"Stupid? You think this is a stupid reason, this is everything to me I don't care about this majin buu!" Vegeta says
"Hold it, you'll have to fight him over my dead body" Supreme Kai says
Goku looks pauses and slowly raises his hand in the face of supreme Kai
"Im sorry kaioshin" Goku says
"So be it" supreme Kai says
As they are all teleported near Bael and Caulifla
"Bout time you jumped in" Bael says as he dodges a punch
"Do whatever you like me and Gohan are going to break the hatch and fight Dabura and Babadi, if buu awakens I hope you know there is absolutely nothing you can do" supreme Kai says
"Kill him Vegeta NOW!!" Babadi says
"Shut up! You may have invaded my body and my mind but there's one thing a Saiyan always keeps, HIS PRIDE!!" Vegeta yells
Goku gives Gohan his second last sensu bean and some advice before starting his fight with Vegeta
Vegeta kicks Goku which Goku easily blocks it and retaliates with his own kick knocking Vegeta back, both of them clash fights causing shockwaves throughout the universe
Back to Bael and Caulifla
"You may have me outmatched in martial arts but I am far stronger" Caulifla says
"Caulifla why are you doing this what is it all for?" Bael asks
"For leaving us you were with Goku every day except a few since he died we did nothing together I was alone bored left to suffer by myself just to train myself to hell while you just trained with Goku with no worries, tournaments happened monsters tried to take over earth while you just sat in heaven training with Goku it was difficult" Caulifla says letting everything out with a single punch that sends Bael flying
"You never tried reaching me" Bael yells back with a spinning kick to her body
"We couldn't, Bael remember we don't have instant teleportation like you and Goku we can't just go back to earth and heaven whenever we want" Caulifla yells hitting Bael with a uppercut
"You don't know how upset Bulma and I were, we never once got to see Goku yet you were with him for 5 years straight you've been back for about 2 weeks you left us, you left me!" Caulifla yells
"I'm sorry" Bael says powering down
"What're you doing" Caulifla asks
"I'm sorry I left, but I had to, to reach a new level of power during all that training I learnt the Kaioken, and during those 5 years I've managed to combine both super Saiyan and Kaioken together, in case a new threat ever appeared" Bael says
"That doesn't matter, we have Gohan he's stronger then us all" Caulifla says
"He's not anymore, Caulifla that kid hates fighting he hates training he's not built and wired like me you Piccolo Goku and Vegeta" Bael says
"How would you know?" Caulifla asks
"Because he told me, that's why I left I needed more power so what happened with cell and Goku never happens again"
We jump cut back to Gohan and Supreme Kai
"Oh no, Buus resurrection is complete Caulifla and Bael have released 4x the amount of energy dad and Vegeta did" Gohan says
"They've doomed us all" Supreme Kai says
"No we aren't Bael Dad and Caulifla never lose they've always won and always overcome challenges"
Gohan says
"You don't get it" Supreme Kai says
Jumping back to Goku vs Vegeta
"Incredible I thought my training with Bael in other world was tough, but it looks like your about as strong as I am, you must have trained harder than I did" Goku says
"I may have trained harder but your still stronger, no matter what I do there's always been a constant gap between the two of us, it became clear when I saw you fighting babidis minions, it was a blow to my pride so I made a decision" Vegeta says
"I see, it's Babadi" Goku replies
"I learned at the tournament Babadis men grew immensely under his control so I allowed my self to be controlled to catch up to you, and I was right about it" Vegeta says
"Even with your pride you let yourself become possessed so you could become a little stronger" Goku replies
"I wanted to be the way I was cruel and cold blooded, you Bael and Caulifla had such influence on me I needed my past self, I feel so much better now"
Vegeta says
"Do you honestly believe that?" Goku asks
As buus pod opens releasing the monster
"He's coming buu is emerging" Babadi says
The whole situation with Buu happens
Dabura is killed Vegeta knocks out Goku after he stops the fight Gohan is knocked back and loses consciousness Piccolo is released from Daburas stone hold and Vegeta flys over to buu
"Gohans ki is gone, I'm sorry Gohan this is my fault" Vegeta says
We cut back to Bael and Caulifla
"It doesn't matter Bael you left us and I can't forgive you" Caulifla says whilst beating down on a powered down Bael
"You don't believe that, it's Babadi speaking stop" Bael says
"It's no... wait, Gohans ki it's disappeared, and what is that massive ki near Vegeta" Caulifla says
"Dabura must've killed Gohan this is our fault" Bael says
"Wait no it couldn't have been Daburas ki is gone as well, it must've been that new ki" Caulifla says
"Stop fighting we need to check it out" Bael says
"You check it out, I need to check on Goku his kis low" Caulfila replies
"Alright Caulifla I'm trusting you" Bael says
Bael flys over to Vegeta whilst he's getting destroyed in fight
"Vegeta! What happened" Bael yells
"Get out of here Bael you need to get everyone and go" Vegeta yells back sending Bael flying
"What are you doing Vegeta" Bael asks
"Ending this now go!" Vegeta yells
"Vegeta your planning to die aren't you?" Bael asks
"Tell me something Bael if I die will I be able to see kakarot in the other world" Vegeta asks
"I won't lie to you Vegeta, I'm not king yemma, but you'll never see him again you'll never see me again, nor Bulma Caulifla Gohan. You've killed so many people some who were deserving some who weren't, your soul will go to a different place you will be reincarnated but with zero memory you won't ever see us again" Bael replies
"I see that's too bad I guess, enough now go get as far as you can" Vegeta says
"Understood Vegeta, however troubled you were, you proved your goodness in moments, goodbye Vegeta" Bael says
"Goodbye, friend"
Bael and piccolo both fly away trying to find Caulifla
"I'm going to l blow you into so many pieces, you won't be able to come back, goodbye Bael Gohan Caulifla and yes even you Kakarot" Vegeta says whilst powering up
A huge explosion happens
"Vegeta!!" Krillin yells
Vegeta then disappears a warrior fades away giving it his all
"Krillin we'll meet you back at the tower don't tell anyone anything until we're back" Piccolo tells krillin
"Will do Piccolo, don't die" krillin says
"Do you think he really killed him?" Piccolo asks
"No buus ki is still around, Vegetas prideful death meant nothing we need to regroup, or this is our last days on earth" Bael says
"Bael, piccolo over here!" Caulifla says yelling out
Piccolo and Bael both touch down
"You okay?" Bael asks
"Yes, but it doesn't matte right now I can't sense Gokus ki" Caulifla says
"We must head to the lookout rethink our approach" Bael says

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