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"So Gokus dead?" Chi chi asks
"Yes mum he is" Gohan replies
"I'm sorry Gohan" Chi chi says
"It's okay" Gohan replies
Back at Capsule Corp 5 hours later
"Thanks for dinner Bulma" Bael says
"Your welcome Bael, go get cleaned up though you stink" Bulma says
"Yeah alright" Bael says getting up
After the shower
"Bulma I'm hungry again" Bael says
"Dude you just ate like 5 full course meals" Bulma replies
"That's fair" Bael says
"Yea where's Caulifla anyway I haven't seen her since we got home she missed dinner" Bulma asks
"Oh she's just been sleeping dying made her tired I guess" Bael replies
"Okay, hey Bael are you alright" Bulma asks
"Nah not really, Goku dying hurts I've been with him since we ran into you all those years ago" Bael replies
"Well how do you feel" Bulma asks
"I feel like I screwed up and Goku's dead because of me" Bael responds
"Come on you can't blame Goku sacrificing himself on yourself" Bulma replies
"I can I wasn't quick enough I was going to sacrifice myself first he just got there before I could" Bael replies
"Bael, you can't blame yourself Goku made the choice you couldn't have stopped it" Bulma says
"Yeah I guess your right" Bael replies
"Night mom, night Bael" Future Trunks says
A/N since Goku got divorced Goten isn't born and since Goku moved in Bulma didn't develop feelings for Vegeta therefore neither Goten or Trunks are born in this story
"Night Trunks" both Bulma and Bael say
"I'm off to bed aswell Bael I'll see you in the morning" Bulma says
"Night Bulma" Bael says
Bael then decides he's going to get some sleep aswell
"Finally we're at peace, I can finally sleep" Bael says
"Shut up Bael" Caulifla whispers
"We have sound proof walls how can you hear me" Bael asks
"Your so god damn loud" Caulifla says
"Night Caulifla" Bael says
"Night Bael" Caulifla says
Morning time arrives and so does Trunks departure
Trunks heads back to the future but not before sharing a moment with Vegeta, now with Trunks back in his timeline the androids can finally be stopped, months later Cell appears but Trunks easily defeats him
Back in the main timeline
"So now that's Trunks is gone it's all back to normal huh?" Caulifla asks
"Yeah it is" Bulma replies
"I'm gonna go check in on Gohan" Bael says
"I wouldn't do that if I was you, Chi chi makes him study around this time so you'd be in big trouble" Bulma says
"Yeah alright" Bael replies
The day goes on normally Bael and Caulifla both eat lunch, Vegeta sulks around, Bael and Caulifla train and Bulma tries to make her own time machine
03:00 am
*knock knock*
"Bael are awake" Gohan asks
"Yeah I am now Gohan" Bael replies
"Well you did say I could come talk" Gohan replies
"That's true. So what do you wanna talk about?" Bael asks
"My dad" Gohan says
"Oh well uh what about" Bael asks
"I know you Caulifla and Bulma grew up with him, can you talk to me about the adventures you guys had" Gohan asks
"Yeah I can" Bael says
"How did you guys meet" Gohan asks
"From the very beginning huh? Well so me and your dad landed at Grandpa Gohans house, Caulifla landed near capsule corp so when me and Goku were coming back from fishing we ran into them, well Bulma drove into Goku, after that she shot him a couple times but that didn't do anything"
"Really? That's cool so you and my dad are like brothers?" Gohan asks
"Yeah basically, so anyway Bulma and Caulifla told us they were looking for dragon balls and we already had one the 4 star ball so that began our adventure" Bael says
"That's so cool" Gohan says
"Head back home Gohan it's bed time" Bael says
"Bye Bael" Gohan says
"Bye Gohan sleep well" Bael replies

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