Part 8

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"Thank you Vegeta you wont regret it one bit" Cell says with a smirk

An enraged Krillin attacks Perfect Cell along with Future Trunks, but the attack has no effect. Perfect Cell then knocks Krillin unconscious with a mere kick.

"Step back and watch how a real warrior wins'' Vegeta says

Perfect Cell toys with Vegeta, allowing Vegeta to believe he actually has a chance to win, just as Vegeta did to Semi-Perfect Cell. Perfect Cell hides his true power and appears to have only gained speed by dodging all of Vegeta's attacks. Vegeta becomes frustrated, which affects his fighting for the worse, as he is too blinded by anger to fully concentrate. At one point, Vegeta charges at Cell and kicks him in the neck. This does not faze Cell at all, which utterly shocks Vegeta as he reveals that he put all of his energy into the kick. With only one kick, Cell sends Vegeta flying across the island, through several rock formations, and into the water. It takes a moment for Vegeta to resurface and stand back up. While he is down, Cell laughs at his apparent weakness, and thanks Vegeta for being a good warm-up, as well as allowing Cell to reach perfection, however foolish a mistake it was. Outraged, Vegeta flies into the sky and challenges Cell to take his next attack head-on. He concentrates nearly every ounce of energy he has left into a blast, and launches it at Cell. Perfect Cell senses the massive energy Vegeta put into his Final Flash, attempting to dodge it at the last second but it destroys his right arm. However he regenerates and then, with a short series of attacks, knocks Vegeta unconscious.

"Father!" Trunks yells before being swatted unconscious by Perfect Cell

"I guess I could kill you all right now if I wanted to but I'll give you guys ten days to prepare"

Meanwhile in the hyperbolic time chamber Goku has discovered the Super Saiyan Second and Third Grades forms and immediately has discovered its weakness the bulk of their muscles greatly affects their speed, and it would be useless to be so strong if you can not catch your opponent. Goku then comes up with a plan to stay in Super Saiyan form for so long that it feels natural so they will not have to waste the energy of transforming and sustaining the transformation during battle. That way, they can increase their stamina with the energy they saved, and balance their strength and speed while preserving their ki.

Back at capsule corp

the cell games announcement is on tv

"Shut up and listen up" Vegeta shouts
Cell announces the cell games
"Anyone who thinks they could beat me can come and try, in the meantime I'll be waiting for you, Goku"

Back at the lookout

"Hey Popo when are they supposed to exit?'' Bael asks

"2 hours" Mr popo says as Goku and Gohan emerge from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, mastering Super Saiyan Full Power

"You two had 2 hours left whyd you leave" Bael asks

"Didn't see the point in anymore training" Goku replies
"Alright let's go Caulifla it's our turn now" Bael says
And with that the door to the chamber closes and the full year of training commences for the two rivals
"It's completely empty what are we supposed to do" Caulifla asks
"Spar sleep eat and more sparring for one whole year" Bael responds
"Fine by me" Caulifla answers
Back outside the Chamber
"Cells still alive isn't he, what happened" Goku asks

Trunks explains what happened
"I see, you got too full of yourself again" Goku states
"What'd you say, you think your stronger then me?" Vegeta asks
"Oh yea a lot stronger" Goku replies
"Are you strong enough to defeat cell?" Piccolo asks
"No, nor would anymore training help were relying on Gohan, Bael and Caulifla now"
"Me?" Gohan asked
"Yes you, yo Mr Popo where's my Gi" Goku asked while picking up his clothes
"I need new clothes too perhaps a pair like yours?" Gohan asked
"Of course, I'll make something stylish as a gift to you" Piccolo says while raising his hand and making Gohan a pair of clothes
"Wow, thank you so much, Piccolo!" Gohan says
Meanwhile in the time chamber
"You're getting better Caulifla, you may be stronger then me but I've got better technique" Bael states
"You've got that right" Caulifla replies
"Do you think we can win?" Bael asks
"I don't know to be honest but if we don't win at least we had this year together" Caulifla replies
"Yea I see what you mean"
Back outside the chamber
"alright I'll see you guys in 9 days" Goku says
"Bye Goku and Gohan" Trunks says waving

"Can Bael and Caulifla get enough power to defeat cell, is gohan strong enough like Goku says, why is Goku so calm, find out next time on Dragon Ball Z"

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