Tenkaichi Budokai

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Buu saga time, alright I'm skipping straight to the tournament cause we know everything that happens right? Gohan goes to school meets Videl becomes the Great SaiyanMan and fights crime

At Capsule Corp
"What? Your going to participate in the Tenkaichi Budokai, but why? Bulma asks
"It's because of Mr Satans daughter, she's in my class" Gohan replies
"Mr Satan? The guy who was fooling around while you fought Cell? His daughters in your class?"
Bulma asks
"Yes! She's nice, she can't stand still when there's evil around, like me but she knows who I am and now she's forcing me to join the tournament or she'll tell everyone." Gohan answers
"Do you want me to make a disguise for you? Bulma asks
"Yes but it can't be a helmet or protective gear" Gohan replies
"I know I know I've been to a few tournaments with Bael and the gang before I understand the rules" Bulma says
"Did someone say my name?" Bael asks
"Oh hey Bael how you been?" Gohan asks
"Good, you entering the Tenkaichi Budokai?" Bael replies
"Yeah I am well I'm being forced to by some girl in my class" Gohan informs
"Here I've found a disguise" Bulma says handing a pair of glass and a orange durag
"Nice, I didn't think it would be this simple" Gohan says
"If your joining the tournament I will aswell" Vegeta says to Bael
"Yo Vegeta don't think it will be easy I'll be joining aswell" Caulifla says
"Alright so we're easily the top four no one will be able to beat us" Bael says
"I don't know Piccolo has been training im definitely going to ask him also Krillin and 18" Gohan replies
"I'm going too"
"Father? It's fathers voice! Dad is that you?" Gohan asks
"Goku?" Bulma asks
"Yes it's me, long time no see." Goku says
"Well I saw you last year Goku" Bael replies
"Wait you saw Goku last year?" Bulma asks
"Yeah he did we've been training together, sorry I haven't seen you guys" Goku answers for Bael
"See you soon dad" Gohan says
After a few weeks the tournament was ready to commence but unknown to the Z fighters a new enemy was ready to pounce
"Hey Vegeta, Bael and Caulifla could we cut out going Super Saiyan?" Gohan asks
"Why should we?" Vegeta asks
"They might recognise us from the Cell Games"
Gohan answers
"Sure we'll all be equal since I haven't achieved Super Saiyan 2 yet" Caulifla replies
"Wait you haven't?" Bael asks
"Yes oh my god Bael we've sparred in Super Saiyan 2 how dumb are you" Caulifla replies
"Well the forms look pretty similar" Gohan says
"True. Alright so no Super Saiyan" Bael says
"Get ready to lose" Vegeta says
"Okay Vegeta sure" Both Bael and Caulifla reply
"Whoa what a crowd" Krillin says
"Hmph it wasn't this big when we were competing back then was it?" Bael asks
"No it wasn't I... what was that?" Bulma asks
"It's Hercule!" The crowd of people yell
"He sure is popular" android 18 says
"Yeah for stealing the credit of Gohans win" Caulifla says
"I wonder if Gokus here" Yamcha wonders
"Yo Piccolo what's up?" Bael asks
"'Not much have you seen Goku around here?" Piccolo asks
"No not yet" Bael replies
"What happened to Goku? Maybe he's gone back stage already?" Bulma asks
"No he wouldn't do that" Bael replies
"Hey guys heh heh"
"Goku!!" The group yells
"Wow you've all changed so much but how've you been?" Goku asks
"Welcome back Goku" Bulma says
"Don't forget 24 hours" Baba says
"We gotta register now or the door will close" Piccolo says
Everyone registers whilst Bulma and Goku catch up
"How've you been" Goku asks
"Pretty good having Bael and Caulifla around has been fun I've even caught Gohan talking to them about our adventure to find the dragon balls. How about you?" Bulma asks
"Ive been amazing having Bael come to king kais with me to train has been amazing" Goku replies
"That's where he snuck off to sneaky bastard" Bulma says
"Well I've missed all you guys especially you and Caulifla seeing Bael kept me on my toes and he's gotten super strong he might be stronger then Caulifla now" Goku says
"Well we've got the tournament to figure that out" Bulma replies
"We sure do" Goku says with his signature grin
Goku looks over and sees someone familiar
"Huh? Android 18 is that you?" Goku asks
"Took you long enough" Android 18 says with a smile
"We live together at Roshis house, we have one daughter the girl you saw back there" krillin says
"That's impossible... I mean how does a robot have a kid?" Goku says
"She's not a robot she's a cyborg!" Krillin yells
The gang gets ready with Bael Goku and Caulifla reminiscing about their times in the tournament
"I'm hungry let's grab a snack" Goku says
"Your always hungry man seriously how much do you eat" Krillin asks
"Too much" Bulma says sniggering
30 minutes later
"That was amazing!" Goku says
"Sure was, thanks for paying for us Bulma" Bael says
"No worries I guess remember I'm the richest woman on earth" Bulma replies
"Oh there you are" Gohan says
"Hey I ordered some for you too." Goku says
"Oh thanks dad" Gohan replies
"The lottery should be starting soon" Krillin says
"They are lets hurry up" Caulifla says
"Hello you must be Son Goku" a mysterious man says
"This feels off" Bael whispers to Caulifla
"Definitely why's he floating?" Caulifla asks
"I don't know maybe he's important" Bael replies
"I don't know probably he looks magical" Caulifla giggles
"Something funny?" The taller individual asks
"Uh no sir" Caulifla replies
"Do I know you?" Goku asks
"No but I've heard about you and I've wanted to spar you for a while, I've also qualified I hope we get to fight, of course I know I can't win but I want to know how strong you are, may I shake your hand?" The smaller man asks
"Huh sure" Goku replies
Goku and the mysterious man shake hands
The 2 walk off
"Who was that?" Piccolo asks
"I don't know" Goku replies
"They're certainly not from earth" Piccolo states
"What does he mean not from earth?" Videl asks Gohan
"Those guys aren't from our planet they're definitely a bit odd" Gohan replies
"His face was strange, the one talking to your father" Videl says
"Your right somethings up" Gohan replies
Two other men show up aswell
"Those guys look even weirder" Bael says
"They look ugly and grey" Caulifla replies
The bigger one walks up to Caulifla and asks
"Anything I could help you with or are you going to keep talking behind our backs?"  Spopavich asks
"Yeah we are, you got a problem?" Bael replies
"Yeah we do" Spopavich says
"Who's your weird looking friend?" Bael asks
"You wait for the tournament cause we're matched together" Spopavich says
"Ooh scary" Bael says whilst laughing with Caulifla
The rest of the group gets their order with the tournament matches going as krillin and Punta
Bael and Spopavich Videl and Caulifla Shin and Piccolo and Kibito and Gohan

The tournament commences next time stay tuned

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