Gokus departure

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Caulifla throws a refined hook connecting to Buu but not doing much due to the power difference Caulifla continues throwing and dodging staying calm and trying her best to atleast damage her but cannot
"You really are something Buu, say why do you take orders from that puny thing" Caulifla asks
"Shut your mouth woman" Buu says
"Guess I hit a soft spot" Caulifla replies
They continue battling with Caulifla being heavily injured
"Damnit I can't do this" Caulifla says throwing a last ditch attempt into killing Buu but she just hits Babadi off
"Buu help me please" Babadi pleads
"You can wait Buu is still fighting" Buu says
Buu then blasts Caulifla knocking her unconscious
"Caulifla!" Bael yells flying in taking her place in the battle
Back at the lookout
"Piccolo what's happening" Goku asks
"Caulifla has been knocked down and Baels taking his spot" Piccolo replies
"Damnit if Bael gets knocked down I'm tagging in I have something" Goku says
Back at capsule corp
"Hey Buu I'm the other one you were looking at fighting" Bael says
"Buu thinks your strong" Buu says
"You could say I am" Bael says
"Buu wants to fight you"
"Well Buu we can fight if you let me power up" Bael says
Bael begins powering up from super saiyan 1 to 2 and finally after a transformation that shook the universe and even woke a certain sleeping someone in a distant world, Bael transforms into Super Saiyan 3
"Bastard I wanted to show that off" Goku says smiling with his signature grin
"That power it's-it's" Piccolo gets cut off
"It's amazing, I can see why Gohan is so strong you guys are amazing" Videl says
"Do you want to face me now, Majin Buu" Bael says in a deep voice I daring Buu to step forward
"Yes buu wants to fight you"
Buu flys in with Bael dodging and kicking him back down sending blast upon blast down on him
"Is this all you've got?" Bael asks
Buu flys back up kicking Bael up and blasting him down
"I can't keep this form up for long this is bad" Bael says looking around for Caulifla in case an escape attempt is needed
Bael sends a Kamehameha towards Buu which he completely avoids and teleporting behind Bael knocking him out and causing him to depower
"Buu is done Buu bored now" Buu says
Buu then aims his hand down on the both of Bael and Caulifla
"Buu, you still want to fight?" Goku says
"Give us 3 days and you'll have an amazing fighter ready to fight you" Goku asks
"Hmmm will they be strong fighter for Buu?" Buu asks
"Yes very strong" Goku replies
"Buu like you, 3 days and I get a strong fighter" Buu says
"Thank you Buu" Goku says departing with Bael and Caulifla
"Buu come save me now" Babadi says
Buu then kills him after being berated with insults
Back at the lookout
"We really are insignificant compared to him, this is pathetic how have we managed to fall so far behind" Caulifla says
"We're getting old Caulifla" Bael says with a smile
"No we're not we're in our 30s that's not old" Caulifla replies
"So, he's by himself he's got no one looking after him" Piccolo asks
"Honestly I think it's better, but Goku, I think we need to do it," Bael says
"Bael what are you talking about" Caulifla asks
"It doesn't matter I'm not letting you do it" Goku says
"It's way too dangerous Bael"
"If I don't then this world the world Bulma and your son live on is doomed we clearly aren't even strong enough if we all fight him" Bael replies
"Your body couldn't even handle Super Saiyan 3 there's no way your doing Super Kaioken" Goku replies
"That's it? I thought we could've fused or something" Caulifla says
"Wait, how did we both forget" Bael says laughing
"Oh yeah the Metamoran technique" Goku replies
"You two know it? Dende asks
"Goku does, I didn't care much to learn it" Bael replies
"Well, you and Caulifla are gonna have to learn it" Goku says
"Why can't we do it?" Bael asks
"I've only got about 3 hours left, and I think it'll be better if I teach you, just in case something happens" Goku replies
"Alright we got this Goku" Caulifla replies
Goku then teaches it to piccolo just so he can continue to teach Bael and Caulifla
But meanwhile in The World of the Kai's Gohan has already begun his potential unlock with 12 hours left from the elder Kai
Authors Note
I will be explaining the whole super Buu next chapter if it's weird and how the timelines off I'm changing minor details in this story just so I can have it turn out how I want it that's why even though Goku didnt go super Saiyan 3 he still has limited time because it's later in the day and Gohans getting his potential unlocked after making the promise about Caulifla kissing Elder Kai the fight between Super Buu and Ultimate Gohan will happen before Caulifla and Baels fusion is done
"So... you ready?" Goku asks
Bael and Caulifla both look at each other and nod
"Yes" they say bowing towards Goku and Piccolo
"We have 2 and a half hours left let's begin" Goku says

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