Chapter One

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A/N: Hey all! This was a request by a few readers of mine on Twitter and I just wanted to say thank you for thinking of me. I'm not really sure if I will be adding on it this at all. But, maybe if you guys want, I can add another chapter to it. Anyways, enjoy. It's an AU Season 7 Stelena fanfiction. It takes place as the last scene of S7 with the idea of Elena being a human again and Stefan compelling her memories of him away and everything supernatural that happened in Mystic Falls so that she can start over again.

Don't Forget To Think Of Me.

He leans into her, his hands slipping away from her face as his fingers become covered in her tears. My god, she's so beautiful when she cries. She always has been, her face buried into the curve of his neck as she exhales deeply and holds onto him tightly. "Please, don't do this to me, Stefan." She sobs with a begging tone, clutching on to him as if he's her anchor. Her life source. Maybe he always has been, she thinks. Maybe, indefinitely- he always will be.

Compulsion. It's the only way. It's the only thing that can spare her heartache and help her move on. Even though, he was against it for months. Damon finally convinced him after he left town. Leaving Elena's heart broken and her world shattered. She was human again, fragile. Her heart hurting over the brothers that she too had played and hurt just as badly.

"It's the only way, Elena." Stefan urges on, takes her hand and strokes his thumb over her fingertips. "I'm so sorry." He admits, fighting back his own tears because as much as it breaks her heart. This is killing him too.

Nodding with an abundant flow of tears streaming down her cheeks, she feels him pull her close as he stares into her tearful gaze. "I love you. I will always love you. No matter where you are or where I am. I want you to know that." He adds in, placing his warm hands against her heated cheeks and kissing her forehead before he backs away and he hears her softly whisper without hesitation in her voice. "I'll always love you too."

Stefan closes his eyes, taking off her vervain necklace that he had replaced the moment she became human again. Exhaling deeply, he clears his throat and then finally begins the mind control that he knows will forever tear them apart. "I want you to leave Mystic Falls, Elena. And, I want you to go as far as you can from here. I want to be happy and learn to love again. You need to start over. You need to forget the pain and hurt this town as caused you and follow your dreams. Become whoever you want, Elena Gilbert. Start over and start fresh. And," He pauses. His voice breaks when he softly adds in. "And, I want you to forget about Damon, all the supernatural things that happened here." His breathing picks up, his eye contact never leaving hers when he finally states. "Forget about me too. Forget that we ever met and the moments we shared."

Within a blink of an eye and her lips tingling from one last kiss. He's gone and she's left with an unexplainable yearning in her heart, deep down in her soul. Shaking it away, Elena looks around her bedroom at Whitemore college and begins packing. Memories of her friends, Bonnie and Caroline fill her mind as her heart tries to fill an explained void of loss for something that she not even sure of. Turning around, she notices it as she packs her bags. It's a small piece of paper, a tiny letter that only reads a few lines, which make Elena clutch it into her hands even tighter as she reads the last words...

I hope one day that you'll be happy. But, above all, I really hope that one day...

You'll find everything, you didn't know that you were searching for.

..... 7 Years Later ...

His steps are hurried as he rushes into the Emergency Room on a late Saturday night. "Dr. Salvatore! Please, report to the OR immediately!" The overheard speakers blare at John Hopkin's Children's Center. He's been there ever since he kissed her goodbye, telling them all that he was a graduate of some bogus school in Virginia. He hasn't really thought of her. Although, nearly every brunette or every brown eyed girl he's dated in the last seven years has reminded him of a piece of her.

"I'm late, damn it!" He grumbles, grabbing his white lab coat with his name tag off of the office chair behind him while he heads to his destination, checking the chart in his hands frequently and trying to remember the case and the damn surgery that the patient is having. "Wonderful, a new heart surgery patient." Stefan grins, closing his eyes and walking down the long corridor of the hospital, watching the new doctors that had just started less than two days ago, doing their rounds and trying to find their way though the hospital. Rounding the corner, he's engrossed in his charts, his own thoughts and the vision of a brown eyed girl that he had loved long ago.

"I can't believe that I have to work a 13 hour shift on Tuesday!" He hears someone exclaim loudly as they round the corner just at the same time and just then. It happens, they both collide into each other. He shakes his head, picking up her chart and his own as he stares down at it and then up at her slowly. He's in awe, shocked a bit too when he glances at her matching lab gown that proudly has the hospital's insignia on it. But, it's not the lab coat that he's mesmerized by. It's her familiar eyes, her sweet and embarrassingly shy smile as she apologizes without meeting his gaze.

"I'm sorry." She tells him sheepishly, glancing back at her co-worker that has the same giggly grin on her face as they both stare down at the brown coffee stain on Stefan's crisp white coat from her dark pressed espresso spilling all over it.

Stefan pulls his locked stare away from her name badge, smiling widely and casually at her as he states. "It's alright, I needed to change anyways. Miss Gilbert." He tells her, taking a slow step away from them before he turns around as she huffs out a breath and quickly corrects his mistake. "It's Dr. Elena Gilbert. And, it was nice to meet you..." Her voice trails off as he places his hands into his pocket, licking his lips while glancing down at the ground.

"Right." Stefan says with a shrug of his shoulders, taking one of his hands out of his pocket and moving a step closer to her again, handing her a card. "Just in case if you ever decide that you want to get me a new lab coat. Here's my office where can find me."

She stares blankly at it and then back up at him. "I have a boyfriend." They both hear her quickly remark, the word boyfriend sounding like sandpaper against her tongue, almost like she wasn't really sure of the term or what to call her the guy she's been seeing for the last year. The same one who hasn't seemed to be making any real future plans with her.

"Well, that's a shame. Although," Stefan pauses, his eyes never once leaving hers when he firmly admits. "Something tells me that you aren't even sure that's what he is to you."

Hearing Elena scoff, her nose crinkle and her eyes narrow down at him, makes his heart dance a little with excitement. God, it's been too long. He silently thinks to himself. He's missed her. Oh, how he has missed her.

"Since when are you an expert on love?" She questions him as he points down at his card and smirks jokingly. "Ever since I became a Doctor." He winks, watching her face contort with annoyance as she finally looks down at the card in her hands and reads his name with a sense of her heart wanting to explode inside of her chest. Because, she can't seem to place his face at all. But, his name stirs something inside of her broken heart that she's pretty sure she hasn't felt in years.

"Dr. Salvatore." She reads, listening to the overhead speakers blaring once more. "Doctor Stefan Salvatore. Please report to OR 10. Immediately! Doctor Stefan Salvatore!" They both listen as he smiles at her once more and nods. "Yeah, that's me." He tells her, walking away without another word and a smile on his face that only she has ever been able to give him.

A/N:So, should I add one more chapter? Thoughts?

Thanks so much for reading! :)

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