Chapter Eight

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A/N: Hey all! So sorry that this is kind of short. Hopefully the next update will be longer! :)

Don't Forget To Think Of Me- Chapter Eight

"The marks consistent on his skin weren't from a werewolf bite or attack. This was something even worse than that." Klaus concluded, pouring Caroline another drink as she slammed it down and inhaled sharply. Everything inside of her was burning to kill him. Just so that she wouldn't have to face the dark truth, Tyler was gone and his killer was still out there, probably ready to attack someone else.

"How do you know this?" Caroline questioned, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand as she inhaled and turned to face Klaus. As much as she tried to tell herself that he was the one responsible for Tyler's death, Caroline could see it in his eyes that he was telling the truth. He didn't do it. Although, he probably knew who did.

"I was the one who found Tyler's body after he was mauled. I brought him to the morgue because I didn't want people asking too many questions and I figured that sooner or later, you'd come looking for answers." He admitted to her, watching as she fidgeted in her seat. Klaus placed his hand just inches away from hers as he glanced over at her and said softly. "I know you loved him very much, Caroline. And, despite my hatred for him. I personally thought that he wasn't a bad guy. He was good to you, good for you. And, it was clear to me that he loved you very much."

She deeply sighed out a breath as she tried to fight away the tears that were making it hard to see in front of her any longer. "Do you think he suffered?" She asked him, feeling Klaus finally place his hand on top of hers and squeeze it gently as he said with a saddened tone. "I don't know. But, all I can tell you is that he wasn't only when he took his final breath. I stayed with him before he died and he told me to tell you that he was sorry for leaving and that he loved you very much." The tone in his voice was one of sheer honesty as she felt her body lean towards Klaus and before she knew it, Caroline was sobbing into his shoulder, telling him how much Tyler meant to her and how much his loss would change her forever.

Klaus swallowed the lump in his throat, wrapping his arms around her as he whispered into her ear. "I promise you that his death won't go unsolved and that I'll search everywhere I can until we find out who did this to him."

"Okay," Caroline sniffled, pausing as she backed away from him and stated in a low and heartbroken tone. "Thank you for helping me."

Stefan found her at the bottom of the stairs, she was shaking and crying when he came up to her, pulling her to her feet and against his chest. It wasn't worth it asking if she was okay or not because he could tell from the look in her eyes and she wasn't and that this whole situation had really shaken her up. He held her against him, his fingertips stroking her hair and his lips kissing her cheeks. Elena relaxed in his embrace, feeling safe and wanted for the first time in months, she spoke softly to him. "I can't go back in there.." Her voice cracked as she brought her head up from his chest and looked him in the eyes. Stefan could see the heartbreak in them, the longing for familiarity.

"I wish that there was something more that I could do." He said, watching as she took a slow step towards the apartment and turned back around, shaking her head. Tears were streaming down her face as she bit down on her lower lip. "Sometimes, I wish that I could have started over completely. Not have ran into you that day at the hospital. I wonder what my quiet life would have been like then. I never wanted to be thrown back into the supernatural world, Stefan. Everyone that I had loved was dead or suffering. I hate to say this. But, I wish I had taken the cure when I had the chance, I wish that you and I could have lived that normal life we had dreamed about..." She watched him nervously shuffle his feet as he placed his hands into his lap and thought her words over. The idea of having her memories wiped away from her seemed unfathomable at the moment. However, he quickly thought of something else. "Close your eyes." Stefan said, grabbing a hold of Elena's hands as she deeply inhaled and then exhaled a breath.

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