Chapter Seven

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A/N: Hey all! I am so sorry that it's taken me forever to update this. Although, I'm hoping that you guys are still interested in this little story. :) Enjoy & Thanks for reading!

Don't Forget To Think Of Me- Chapter Seven

She wasn't really sure where the hell she was going. Bonnie pulled over on the side of the road, wiping away her tears as she slammed her fists against the steering wheel. What was she supposed to do now? Go back home to Mystic Falls and try to piece her already empty feeling life back together? Who was she going to turn to? Matt was dead, Stefan and Elena were both gone. And, Caroline...Well, last Bonnie had heard, Caroline had gone in search of Tyler- determined to make amends with him.

They were all fighting for something. For love. Bonnie sat in silence for a long time, thinking about everything they had been through in the last few years. But, mostly she thought about Damon.

Bonnie exhaled deeply, taking her cell phone out of the cup holder beside her as she dialed a familiar number and waited while the phone rang a few times. "Hello?" The voice echoed through her ear drums as she smiled and said in a soft tone. "I know that it's been a long time since we'd spoken last. Although, I just wanted to see how you were doing? Have you found him yet?"

"Caroline, please tell me that you found him." She was quiet on the other line, both of them unsure of what to say next. It had been so long since she had called Caroline like this that Bonnie wasn't really sure of what to even talk about.

"He's dead." Caroline's voice cracked as she choked back tears. Saying it out loud was something that she had been struggling with for a few weeks and now, it felt like it was some sort of release. The truth was out. Tyler Lockwood was dead and there was nothing that she could do about it. "He got attacked in Louisiana near a bayou and he never really recovered. I'm starting to speculate that Klaus had something to do with this. So, that's what I've been trying to figure out. Starting to wish that I could do a locator spell on Klaus Mikaelson..." Her voice trailed off as Bonnie saw her opening. "You should come back home. I could help you with that."

She was silent for a few minutes, contemplating the idea of being back in Mystic Falls after so many years. Caroline Forbes was living a comfortable life in Dallas, Texas before she went in search of Tyler. But, she had promised herself that if and when she found him that afterwards, she'd go straight back to Texas and settle down there. As far as she was concerned, she wanted nothing to do with the small dingy town any longer.

"Listen, it doesn't need to be forever. It can just be for a few weeks. Please, Caroline." She could sense the begging tone in her voice as Caroline calmly agreed to come back home just for a little while. But, that she needed to finish up some business before she left. "Fine, maybe it'll be good for me to get away from everything for a bit." She stated, telling Bonnie that she had to go. Although, she'd be in touch during the week.

"You're still here." Stefan grumbled under his breath as he lifted his arm up from underneath Elena's head, which felt like a dead weight. He was surprised to see her still curled up against him, one of her eyes open wide as the other was still shut and she gave him a sleepy grin. "Yeah, I'm still here." She yawned, moving away from him as she readjusted herself and fell back against his chest. Being with Stefan like this was strange and yet, it felt familiar and safe. Which was exactly what Elena needed. She felt his hand slip into her hair as she sighed out a deep breath. Stefan leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "Are you hungry? I mean, all I have in the fridge are a bunch of blood bags. But, I can go to the store and get you some food, make something for you to eat." He suggested, thinking about how all he wanted to do was keep her with him for as long as he could.

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