Chapter Three

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A/N: Hey all! I am so blown away at the reviews for this story that I had only really wanted to be a one-shot. I'm thinking that it will only have a total of 10 chapters and that will be it. So, if this seems a bit fasted paced, that's why. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy it still and thanks so much for reading!

Don't Forget To Think Of Me- Chapter Three

"Little witch, you're here." Damon greeted her, smiling as he stepped aside and allowed Bonnie to enter into the Salvatore boarding house. She rolled her eyes as she heard him close the door. "Well, you said that you were having a crisis and so, I came over. What's going on, Damon?" She asked him, pivoting on her heels and dropping her bags to her feet. Bonnie stood straight, arms crossed over her chest as she stared over at Damon and waited for him to speak.

"Well," He paused, walking over to the mini bar in the Salvatore living room and pouring himself a glass of bourbon before he began to explain why he had called her over to his place in the middle of the night. "I was thinking. Actually, I have a proposition for you." He smiled with a grin, watching as her eyes grew big while she attempted to keep her cool. Yes, they had grown closer over the last few months and over the last few years since Elena had been away. Bonnie and Damon had become more and more flirty with each other. However, neither of them had ever once crossed that boundary or line with one another.

"What could you possibly want? A protection spell?" She laughed, snapping her fingers together as she looked at him and joked. "Oh, I know! We could make you look hotter and sign you up for online dating!"

Damon scoffed, swirling the liquor in his drink as he chugged it down before he too laughed at her failed attempt to be funny. "You keep this teasing up, little witch and soon, I'll be dating you."

"In your dreams." Bonnie hissed out, snatching his drink away from him and taking a seat next to him on the couch. Damon watched as Bonnie lifted up her legs and placed them into his lap. "Why did you call me over here, Damon. What do you want from me?"

He smelled like booze when he leaned closer towards her, moving her feet out of the way until they both heard a loud thud on the ground as they hit the floor. "I want a roommate. Since my brother left me all by my lonesome and I don't really have anyone to annoy. I'd like it if you moved in here with me instead of living all alone in your families house. How long has it been since you've heard from your mother, anyways?" She heard him ask, smiling sweetly at her.

Bonnie shoved Damon away from her for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts. Did he really just say that he wanted her to be his roommate? Was he out of his mind?

"You'd hate my company." She frowned, hearing him get up off the couch as she did as well. Damon placed the glass down on the coffee table and shook his head in disagreement. "Truthfully Bonnie, I didn't mind you too much in the prison world. What makes you think that I'd hate you now?"

She inhaled through gritted teeth, smiling up at him as she clasped her hands together and stated. "Well, for starters. I'm a lot stronger now than I was before and the minute you piss me off. I can pretty much kill you."

Damon laughed, he couldn't help but not laugh. "You could kill me, huh?" He questioned, taking a few steps towards her until her back hit up against the bookshelves behind them and he leaned down so that his lips were just inches away from hers. Bonnie didn't flinch, she didn't move at all. Her eyes were glued to his lips and her breath became a little staggered. He was crossing a line, a boundary that they had set and for some odd reason, she couldn't deny the tension anymore. So, she played along, teasingly.

"You want me. To be your roommate?" Bonnie asked, stroking his cheek with her fingertip as she heard Damon inhale sharply. "Mhmm. We could do things together." He commented with a wicked smile as she leaned her head back against the bookshelf and felt his body being pressed up against hers even more.

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