Chapter Eleven

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Don't Forget To Think Of Me- Chapter Eleven

"You can tell Cade to call off the hounds." Stefan joked over the phone to Katherine, hours before they had left to track down, Naida.

"Why's that?" She questioned with a curious tone. Stefan cleared his throat, dropping the blood bag from his hands as Damon watched him confess in a soft tone. "Naida's in Mystic Falls. She's at a warehouse downtown and apparently, she just wants to speak with you. No one else."

"Only me?" She asked. They didn't tell her, of Cade's sinister plan or the fact that she was walking into her own death trap.

He should of said something though. To her...To Elena...To everyone they cared about and loved before making such a life changing deal.

Damon and him were never going to be the same after this and he knew it.

Stefan knew that there was no coming back from this deal and from here on out, things were going to be completely different than he had ever imagined them to be. After this, he nor his brother could ever set foot in Mystic Falls again. So, the guilt of not saying goodbye was eating away at him and so was the fact that he didn't tell her of his deal.

He should had told her. He should have explained his deal to Elena before he made one and now, a small part of him that still had a flicker of humanity left felt bad about not saying anything at all. So, here they were now, doing Cade's bidding and everyone will forever wonder where they were going.

He needed to write it down. He needed to leave something because until they found Naida and in case they never did. Stefan wanted everyone and Elena to know that he and Damon didn't really have a choice in the matter and they became Cade's servants for the rest of their eternal lives to save the ones they loved.

"What are you doing! We don't have time for journaling, Stefan!" Damon spat out, rolling his eyes as his little brother shrugged his shoulders and closed his eyes. He was trying to bring a spark of it back- his humanity.

Ignoring his older brother's comments, Stefan wrote down words on paper while Damon sped down the freeway.

Dear Elena,

I know that you've got a million questions and you deserve to know some answers. However, I don't have any of them really.

The only thing I know is that I'm thankful for the time we had together and that as sad as you might be about this. I want you to know that you're never going to see me again. I've become Cade's servant for life and unfortunately, being a slave to him puts everyone I care about and love in danger. I can't risk you getting hurt. So, I won't be coming back home to Mystic Falls. It's to protect you, Elena. It's to protect everyone that I love and everything there that I care about. So, please understand me.

Maybe one day, you and I will meet again. When I've got my life back on track and you're settled into your new life.

Be happy, Elena. And never forget that I love you.

Love always,


The car came to a stretching halt as Stefan lurched forward and gave Damon a dirty look. "Are we all done, brother? Switching your emotions on and off like your life didn't depend on it and like it didn't matter if we live or die...Stefan, he needs to believe us. That we are 100 % forever going to be his servants! So, I suggest you send whatever little birdy you plan on having deliver that to Elena and prepare to kiss that old pretend human life goodbye!"

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