Chapter Six

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A/N: Hey all! As many of you know, this story was only meant to be a one shot. So, with that being said. I think that I will be ending it at chapter 10. So, we have a few more chapters to go. Unless, I think of something else to add into this story...Maybe, Caroline, Elena and Bonnie being reunited after 7 years?

Don't Forget To Think Of Me- Chapter Six

"What was I thinking?" Bonnie asked herself the minute that Damon stepped out of the room. Honestly, she hadn't really been thinking at all when his rough fingers glided across her skin and his moist lips kissed every square inch of her body. "To hell with it all." She had thought in the heat of the moment. Although, telling him that she would want to be his girlfriend? Ha, she had clearly lost her mind!

Bonnie and Damon had grown closer in the last few years since Elena had been gone and their bond was fairly strong. They had both agreed that neither one of them would develop any feelings for one another and if it did happen, they'd date other people just to have the urge subside. She wasn't really in love with him? Was she? Bonnie thought to herself as she fixed her dark rose colored tank top and went in search of her pants; somewhere lost in the pile of clothing.

"Leaving so soon?" Damon asked her, standing near the door with his arms crossed over one another as she slowly turned to face him with a faded smile spreading across her face. Being with him was natural. But, the nagging question lingered in her mind. Was she just settling for what was there in the moment...Him?

Bonnie cleared her throat, tossing her sweater back on to the bed as she stepped over the pile of clothes on Damon's bedroom floor and looked up at him with tears in her eyes. Bonnie opened her mouth, needing to say something; anything at all. Yet, what came next wasn't exactly what she had planned to say.

"Loving you would ruin me if I stayed." Damon crossed his arms over his chest, his eyebrows knitted together as he let out a small laugh. "Come again? What did you just say?" He asked her, feeling like someone had smacked him hard in the face.

Bonnie moved closer, extending out her hands so that her fingertips glided across his cheekbones. "Loving you is going to be the biggest mistake of my life. That's why I can't do it, Damon. I can't give myself to you fully and that's why this no strings attached kind of relationship works for us." She replied, locking her gaze on to him as he swallowed his anger down and placed his hands on to her shoulders. He was hurt, taken back by her words because he hadn't really thought of the consequences if things went wrong with them.

"But," He paused, staring at her as she cupped his cheek into the palm of his hand, giving him a sorrowful look.

"But, you want more and I want less. I know and that's why I think that maybe you and I should go our separate ways for a while. Damon, just until we both figure out what we both want and need. We can't keep using each other like this." She admitted, feeling a bit guilty about what she had told him earlier.

"I know that you don't think that I meant what I said about loving you earlier. Although, I did mean it. I love you, Bonnie. I love you!" He confessed loudly, closing the gap between them and placing his lips upon hers before she could say another word. Damon kissed her breathlessly, feverishly as if he knew it'd be the last time he'd do it. Breaking away from him after few minutes, Bonnie inhaled sharply and gave him a painful knowing look.

"I need to go." She said, pivoting on her heels and leaving as he stood empty handed in the middle of his bedroom. She paused near the door of his bedroom for a moment, turning back to get one last glance. "Until we meet again." She told him, turning away as her eyes left his and she walked out of the house, needing a desperate escape.

"Elena." Stefan began to say as she got up from the couch, telling him not to touch her.

"How dare you! How could you do this to me!" She screamed, tears welling up into her eyes as Stefan got up too and tried to calm her down.

"Please, Elena. We had no choice." He told her, hearing her scoff at his words.

"You and Damon had no choice? That is bullshit! I spent 7 years of my life so confused! I spent 7 years feeling empty and broken hearted, thinking that I needed therapy for all the pain that I felt. But, in reality, all I needed was someone to look me in the eyes and wake me up from all of my damn confusion!" She yelled at him, watching as Stefan took a step towards her and she took a few back, warning him. "Don't touch me! You've done enough!"

Stefan's arms dropped to his side as he ran his hands through his hair. He felt horrible. He felt like he had betrayed her and on some level, he knew that he did. "Elena, let me explain. Please," He began to say as she began picking up her things, ashamed of herself.

"No! You don't get to do that! You don't get to explain a damn thing." She screamed, tears streaming down her face as she angrily looked at him. "I just don't understand. You promised me, Stefan. You promised me that no matter what happened that you wouldn't take my memories away..." Her voice cracked as Stefan exhaled deeply, walking over to her as she fought him. "Don't touch me." She sobbed as Stefan pulled her against him reluctantly while trying to explain why they had done it.

"Matt died, Elena. He died in car accident and you couldn't handle it. You were so hurt and torn up about it that Damon and I didn't...We didn't know what else to-." Stefan began to explain as Elena inhaled sharply and suddenly she broke, remembering the moment that Damon and Stefan had came to her dorm room, telling her the bad news.

Elena clutched on to Stefan's shoulders as he held her up, walking her slowly over to his couch while he laid down with her, stroking her hair while she cried into his shoulder. Stefan held her for a long time, allowing her to cry against him as he told her that he had agreed to compel her because he knew that it would have been better for her to start over her life instead of blame herself for Matt dying because Elena had been the one that was supposed to meet him at the grille that night after his shift at the police station.

"The roads were icy that night and he was driving over Wickery bridge..." Elena's voice broke as Stefan softly stroked her cheek and nodded, not wanting to say a word. "It was my fault. I was supposed to meet him at the grille for a late birthday dinner." Elena cried, allowing her tired body to slump against Stefan's as he held her even tighter.

"It's not your fault, Elena. We can't control death." He told her sorrowfully, covering them up with a blanket as she sniffled out how much she blamed herself. "It wasn't your fault, sweetheart. I promise, it wasn't your fault." Stefan reassured her, holding her close as she began to flutter her eyes close and she started to fall asleep. Stefan kissed the top of her head as he exhaled deeply, whispering into the silence. "You need to understand that I agreed to do it because I was protecting you. Elena, I wanted you to start over without so much hurt and pain. I wanted you to finally get the chance to live the life that you deserved. A happy one without so much hurt." He said, pulling her against him as he leaned his head against the couch cushions and felt himself drifting into a deep sleep, allowing the stresses of the day to be released into his dreams and praying that when they woke up that she'd still be beside him.

A/N: Thanks so much for reading & until next time! Please let me know what you think. :)

Follow me on twitter at: BePassionate_24

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