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'There is a problem in the city" I open my eyes cursing at whoever mind liked me
'What's going on?' I put on my shirt and some shorts
'There is a fight' I tie up my hair
'And you need me, why?'
'It's a rogue attack' my eyes are now wild open as I run down the stairs of my house toward my car barefoot

I arrive in minutes and roughly park in the middle of the road

The people around me bow and I smile at them
"What's happening" my Beta removes his shoes and gives them to me before speaking
"Some people notice their scent was different from ours, they tried to mask it with some potion, they ask them questions and the rouges attacked"
"Who was attacked?" He points to two of young men

I walk toward them and they stand still like soldiers
I touch their face as the mark are still there
"Your wolf are still not out?" I ask confused as why the mark are still there
"No Alpha" they answer in sync

I say a quick spell and watch their injury clear away then I knock at each of their heads with my fist
"Don't do anything so dangerous ever again, and once your wolf are out come to the pack house, you will have a role waiting for you" I smile

I watch their eyes lighting
"Thank you Alpha" one of them tear up and I look away
"Marco take their names and reward their family"

I walk toward the other three men on the floor tied down by silver chains
"Hi" I say bending over to their height
"You shameful hybrid" one yell at me
"We will kill you!" The other one tell
"You are a shame to werewolves!"
"Shhh" I say quietly "the children are sleeping" they stare at me in disbelief

I look up at my guard warriors and smile
"Let's take them to a quiet place, they seem to have a lot to say"
"Yes Alpha" he bows in understanding

I stretch while walking back to my car
"Are you okay?" My Beta asks before I enter the car
"why shouldn't i be?" I smile

He stares at me seriously
'I will take care of them' I shrunk my shoulder "make the people feel at ease and set a meeting for tomorrow, I want all the guards leaders in my office first thing in the morning"

I didn't sleep a bit
After taking a bath and dressing up I sat at my office waiting for the warrior's leader ,my Deltas, to come in one after the other

The last one come in and apologise for being late

I watch each one of them as they look down waiting for me to speak up

I stand up and walk toward one of them

I fix her shirt and posture without hearing a breath off her

I slowly walk around the room fixing the slightest thing in their outfits

"Who was to control the west entry?" I finally ask sitting on the desk

The room is quiet for a while then a lady come out
"Me, Alpha" I stare at her as she stand still

I come down the table and walk toward her, I then walk around her, I stare at her intensively until she breaks a sweat. I kick hard the back of her leg in the Achilles tendon, she trips a bit but does not fall. I keep hitting till she's on her knees

i pull my hair back going back to sit on my desk "Leave your badge and firearm on my desk" she quickly obeys then get back in position "there are a lot of paperwork in the office, I think you will be better off doing that. No one can get killed if you forget to put the paper work in Oder" i yell the last part as a remark to her inappropriate way of training her pupils "you are lucky the teens did not die or were badly injured i would have made a jacket out of your skin"

She keeps quiet as I snap at her
" Do you know how many family live in the city?! You can't control your pupils to do their job properly?"
"I'm sorry Alpha" she finally speak going back to her knees
"Oh please! Keep your apology to your fucking self! If apologies worked why do we need police? just what the heck were your pupils doing while the rogue entered?" She keeps quiet "it's a question!" She shiver
"I-I do-don't know" I trow a bounce of papers to her face, the picture spread all over the floor "You don't know? of course you don't, I will tell you." she stares at the pictures i threw at her guards in various inappropriate activities such as: playing, arguing and making out "you put mates working together? Are you insane? Do you know what the mate bond do to us?!" I can see tears about to roll out her eyes "get out" she bow one last time standing up and walking out of my office

I take a deep breath and look at the rest of them
"Who was to control the city centre?" A man step forward already trembling
"Me Alpha" he shiver, I nod
"Your pupils intervened almost immediately even if the teens got hurt it could have been worst, congratulate them" he breathes out "but each one of you has deeply disappointed me, no one noticed the two rogue until they had already hurt my teens. I want you to double the training hours and I want details about all of their individual schedule, if you want to quit or have something to say do it now ." They remain quiet "you are dismissed"

I go out hours after the meeting

The road are full of people, and the sound of chatters and giggles fill the air

My guards follow me a bit distant course of my angry aura even the people around me make space as I pass

The underground prison is one of my favourite place in the pack territory
"Hello" i great my new friends "common i tough you better! Remove the chain from them! I'm so sorry for the poor treatment"

He put on some gloves and quickly remove the chain before closing the gate leaving me in with them

They look at each other before getting up and running toward me
"No no no hugs, common guys we don't know each other in that intimate way," I say blocking their heads with my hand and knocking them together "you should really sit down" I push them back to the ground "tell me more about you" I smile
"You stupid bitch! I will snap your neck"

I turn around and press a bottom in the wall
"Really? That sound painful, I don't think I'm up for that" I turn around with my favorite tool in my hand
"What are you doing?" The other one ask me while I get closer

My smile grows as Adriana slowly surfaces "me? I'm about to give you the time of your life"

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