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1 year later

" why should I go?" I ask Marco crossing my arms on my chest
"How are you... Alpha Jane"
"No no no" I insist cutting him off
"You have to go, it's the third meeting now, they will call you out" I smile
"I stopped carrying long ago"

I look out of the window

The snow has already covered the town

This year has been hellish

My mate was crowned King and I was crowned Luna in June 3 months after starting the dating part of our relationship, that first 3 months were actually pretty good and enjoyable

we were rushed to get at least engaged so we could be crowned for the territory benefits in order to not create rumors we did that and 2 months after we actually got married. after the marriage, we had a lot of new responsibilities and we spent a lot of time adjusting to our newly united territories

As predicted I had to face the warriors in his land to have mine stand a chance but they slowly consented after seeing my ladies at work

I can't say it's perfect but it's way better than what I expected

Other than the territories matter I had to deal with the other Alphas who were a big pain in the ass

The most delightful day was when the law against domestic abuse even between mates that are alphas or lunas was approved

I gave the highest punishment for whomever break the law :Alpha Luis received a penalty and the Luna was able to request a separation

She has a long way to go but it's a good start

5 months ago Dereck left to face some rogues invasions which have been a problem for a while now, the notorious Rogue pack turned on each other and created an upwar

After we were crowned we focus only in the territory or various kingdom matter

We went days without seeing each other sometimes, only eating together once a while

The former King scold us various time for heirs

But we never talked about it, we slept together obviously but always using the right protection and i was totally okay with it: having children is not on my to do list

Adriana and Shelton got along well ,their connection compered to ours is way much higher

"I'm talking to you" I huff at Marco for the tenth time
"I'm ignoring you"
"I will get the car ready"
"Oh great, you are leaving." He glare at me for a bit before bowing and leaving the room

I pass the time reading papers upon papers signing a few and calling some ministers to review others

Before the moon show up I drive to the city hospital, in my old territory those who were very sick came to me but here its a lot more different, they are more modern in a way

The nurses greet me with a bow and I smile in return
"Luna just on time, as always" I shake hands with the doctors
"Where are my pups?" She leads the way while talking about new cases that presented during the week
"She was attacked during the night, some of our guards saw her in the wood and thought she was dead, he decided to bring her in anyway and thank the Goddess he did. She was severely dehydrated and malnutrited she berely breathe and she didn't open her eyes until yesterday. We think she was attacked by witches there are sign of the spalls around her aura " he says sighing, I turn my head toward him
"I can see that but why?" She refrains from answering

"It's her" he point a girl

I walk toward her smiling at the sleeping pups around me

The girl who was looking out the window slowly turn toward me

Her eyes are glass

A pure white that together with a dark toned skin and her puffy hair makes her one of the must beautiful views ever
"Hi" I caress her cheek kneeling before her
"Luna" I smile robbing my cheek on hers
"How did you know?" She grabs my hands
"I can smell you, your scent is quite unique" she smile showing me her missing toth
"What a smart girl" she frowned
"I'm not a girl!" My eyes wide a bit
"You are not?" I look back at the doctor who look as confused
"No, I'm a boy" I nod gently
"Then I'm sorry my child" he raise his head , and she freeze
"I'm your child?"
"Of course you are" his grab on my hands get tighter "what's your name?"

We talk for a while until he falls asleep

I  stare at him for a bit before laying a hand over his eyes and closing mine as well

I can feel my body weakling as my blood start to get hotter inside me

I try hard not to give in but eventually, I'm pushed back by my own body

I open my eyes catching my breath

I look down at the small thing and after seeing what he has been trough I can't help the tiers
"Luna! You are bleeding"

I reach out to my nose and looking at the blood on my hand I slowly lose consciousness

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