4- Dereck / Shelton

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"Where have you been?" I look at Simon and shake my head
"A 6h run? You missed your parents' visit! I had to calm them"
"that was the point?" I sit down and pick up a paper and a pen, he shakes his head disapproving
"anyway, the alphas council called for another meeting" I look up at him "I tried saying no, but they made some valid point, you are their king but they hardly see you around. Some of them think of you as a legend" I nod "i will go" i smile
"i already said you are going so you can't... what? oh, that was easy" I finish what I'm drawing
"Who's that?" Simon step closer to look at the drawing
"My mate" he stares at me like I've gone mad

The day passes by swiftly
I never liked the Alpha king idea: when my senior brother died my family was devastated and I was forced at a very young age to sit on a throne way bigger than I was

It was temporary, they said.

My parents bug me every single day, I wasn't their son anymore, I was this working machine whose only ideal was to be perfect else I would have been punished in barbaric ways

I grew up to not seeing them as mummy and daddy but as my trainers

I didn't like having them around: if not of mistakes I made they complain about me not having a mate and pups at my age

Sometimes my mother try to reconnect with me telling me stories about her young age or trying to have a normal conversation

But I don't like her in that way, I mean she's my mother and I'm grateful for the life she suffered to give me, but that was it

My father is the arrogant type, he hardly smile , in fact, I've never seen him smiling. He always gives me that disappointing look. Before my brother died he didn't even consider me capable to be an Alpha I'm not sure if he ever looked at me as a son or even a person.

In the begging, I tried so hard to make them happy and proud but way after I realised that nothing I did would ever be good enough for them, so I stopped.

I didn't want really searched for my mate all these years and I never thought I would have one since everything i have is a pass on by my brother's death

I even practice how to reject one if I ever found her just because i really didn't want her to be locked in here with me or have my future pups go through what i went through, it would be a selfish act on my behalf

But she's so damn beautiful, she looks so happy and like she's on top of the world where no one can disturb her. the short time i spend looking at her and talking to her made me understand the dramatic speech about the mate bond

Her eyes glowed in a unique way like there were two stars or diamonds, i don't know something unique and rare: and her scent

Her scent was heaven! I was about to kidnap her and lock her in a room where only I can smell her forever

her little smile had me beg for all my sins to be forgiven by whoever was up there listening to my toughs

'That's sadic' my wolf talk inside me "but I'm in"

I look at my shirt now full of her scent and I hold back from sniffing it

"Are you listening to me?" I look at a red Simon "when tf where you to tell me you found her?"
"I told you now" he glare at me,i stare back
"Where is she?" I look at the portrait drew
"She ran away" I giggle
"She what?! And you allowed her? your parents are going to kill you...then me" He yells in disbelief
"I will get her back, she will come back"
"What if she runs away again"
"Well then we are going to take her" my voice come out with a mix of Shelton's ,my wolf, as we smile in awe looking at the drawing of our mate

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