12- D

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My parents sit in front of me with an annoyed look
"You forced your mark? What are you stupid? Is that how I raised you?" My mother's dark eyes look at me with anger

I'd like to say she didn't raise me at all but my nana did but I keep quiet diverting my attention from them to my Beta who does not dare to look at me
"You are asking us to force her? are you that stupid? going against our own law because you are not able to coax her? get your shit straight!" my mom touches his arm like asking him not to yell at me "Have you tried talking to her?" she ask with a mild smile "I tried but she blocked me out of her link and refuses to meet up?" My mother smiles at my frustration, she thinks for a while "maybe I can help you" I look at her as she smile "You said her name is Jane no Janeth?" I nod "Alpha Janeth she owns the Midnight Moon pack, she's the infamous female alpha?" I nod again "I know her, I can organize a meeting, don't worry, mom will take care of it" she smile aging having think that she is faking it or forcing herself "if this pathetic show is over, go back to work!" he gets up and leave the room "don't mind him, go on and do your thing"

i stare at her for a while trying to feel something just like others

people feel warmth, joy, delight or at the very least gratitude but I really don't feel anything right now, I'm just looking at a woman with a weird smile whos talking to me kindly and even her kindness feels weird "thank you" I whisper before leaving the room

They exchange look like the assistant nod and excuse her self
"What?" I glare at my father
"You couldn't even lay your mate how could I give you my place?" I roll my eyes
"You probably shouldn't" I get up glaring at my Beta

He's the one who call my parents after the meeting and early this morning I was dragged out of my bed

To complete the coronation my mate was fundamental and once they heard I had found her they didn't waste time coming here addressing me for my incompetence in bringing her in

my Beta couldn't keep his mouth close even in the marking matter and I had to face an hour of lecturing

I walk out of the room toward the balcony as I take out a cigarette

Not long after my mother sat next to me
"I thought you quit" I nod slightly
"I did" she nod and stare at the sky
"Jane is a special child" my head turn to her giving her full attention
"You know her?" She nods looking at me with a smile
"When she just took over her sit, other Alphas were not pleased with a female in command. She went through hell, literally" a low growl erupts in my chest " it was really bad for her back then, and we didn't know about it till it was too late. She's a hybrid you know?" My eyes widen "you didn't sense it while near her?" I shake my head, I was busy sensing other things

"it's rumored that her mother was a witch and her father a wolf, at that time hybrids were new and people feared them, so that was another thing that made her a target." My mother sight "poor child" there is silent for a while
"How did you meet her?" She looks at me with a sad expression
"Her Gamma and Beta came in one day begging for our help, she was kidnapped by one of the Alphas. When we got in that cell she was almost dead, just looking at her made me cry, is as if I was the one in pain. She looked at me with does big eyes of hers and, Goddess she was a child! I thought about you being in the same situation at that young age and..." she hit her fist to her chest "then out of the blue...she smiled at me, I thought she had gone mad: she was in a bloody mess her wolf was dormant so she had no energy to cure herself but there she was smiling"
"Where was I?" My mother's eyes glowed a little
"It was when your dad sent you to the military border" I nod "fate played with you guys, you were both about to die in the same period of time, if only I had stopped your father from sending you there..." I cut her off
"You saved her" I smile at my mother as she shakes her head
"no Dereck, she saved herself."

some centuries ago when my brother was still alive before I was forced into the throne my father sent me to war in the first row claiming it to be the best way to train a slow person like me, I was in terrible conditions then and all I could hear from him was "how did I have a weak son like you?" my mother walked out with him without giving me a second look. I stayed in a vegetable state for almost five decades and not once after that first time did they come to ask how I was doing

I still remember the day they walked in, just to announce to me the death of my brother and my succession to the throne

as the moon starts to climb the now dark sky a familiar scent hit me, my wolf has been playing dumb games, and starting to hallucinate since yesterday after the marking

"Your highness" I turn to look at my mom's assistant "Alpha Jane has arrived"
"Who?" I asked in shock

Mate meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें