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Christmas is in a couple of days and I'm busy around with the pups
"Stella! Get down! I pick the little girl from climbing the three
"Luna, where do put this?" He show's me the stockings
"By the fireplace"
"Luna, the package is here" I smile at her
"Thank you"

I take the package from the delivery man
"Thank you" he bows
"Let me help you" I turn to look at Dereck

He takes the stuff from my hand
"Did you revise the papers?" He nods "they are some from the school, you should pay a visit" he nods "have you ordered the gifts for the pups?"  He nods "are you done with the payments?" He nods again putting the package down "are you..." he picks me up and sit me on the counter ignoring the people around us that slowly exit the room
"Hey! There are children!"  He giggles
"You need a break baby" he caresses my hair
"No I'm okay, there are a lot of things left, you should be with the..." he takes my cheeks caressing them gently resting his forehead on mine
"five minutes, I need to charge baby" I smile
"Don't call me baby trying to convince me to be lazy" I cross my leg around his body pulling him closer
"You know I will keep it up and if you keep this- he grips my tights making me giggle- up we will have to get rid of every soul in this house" I smile
"that's tempting but no, it's my first Christmas with our pack and I want it to be perfect " "It will be perfect, don't worry" he reassure me with a sweet smile, i play with his hair a bit before kissing him "thank you, Dereck"

"Oh I'm sorry, didn't know you were in here" we turn to look at The ex Alpha of the rouge pack: Cassandra

She's the lady who came in with Dereck and has problem leaving

I smile at her
"No worries" she smiles back
"Dereck, you said we could visit my new accommodation today" I turn to look at him who is already looking at me
"Yes, she's new and have a history of abuse so she feels safe going around with me so I ..."
"of course she does, I will go, we are both women you surely won't have a problem with that would you?" I smile before turning back to look at her "you know My Husband is busy with Our pack matter let me help you out with this and let him have a rest, okay?" I jump down from the counter "so, shall we?"

Marco arrives some minutes after I mind linked him with his pup on hand
"I'm sorry Nicole is having morning sickness I can't leave him"
"It's okay, how is the cutest baby doing?" I take him

Marco look at Cassandra and then at me
'She's staying?' He asks
'Are you okay?' I simply smile before looking at her
"Let's go"

She is quiet and grumpy during the ride to the city lounge
"Your room is 148, the man at the entrance will help you, you can ask for a female to help you out too" Marco say

She walks fast past us
"Cassandra?" I call her back

She huff before turning
"Next time you call my husband by his first name, I will kill you" her eyes darken "And I've heard some complaints from the maids of your rude and disrespectful behavior toward them: I don't know what you've been used to in your pack but here things work differently, either you learn and work with our rules and regulations or you leave. I hope we are clear, have a nice day" I smile without waiting for an answer

I can feel her eyes on me when I enter the car
"I can't believe you said that" Marco giggles
"Neither can I, stop by the pharmacy let's get something for Nicole's sickness" I say playing with the little cutie in the back seat

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