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"what happened?" Marco kept asking over and over again while Lucy medicated my wound "why did he mark you? what it's going on?"

"do I smell of him?" I ask Lucy for what seemed like the hundredth time since we arrived, she simply shakes her head again

I'm pretty sure she's lying, I can smell him all over me "fuck Jane answer me!" Marco yell hitting his hand on my bed, I glare at him a "stop acting stupid, why else would he mark her? they are mates"

I look at her, as she cleans the blood off her hands
"you are King David mate?!" I put my hand on my face and nod "it's wonderful Jane, you found your mate! why didn't you tell us? it should be celebrated! the pack will be so happy!" I look at him waiting for the realization but it never comes "what?" he stares at us in confusion "Marco, he is a king and I'm an alpha. he reigns over me Marco, I will have to step down to him, I will have to leave you guys to be a stupid Luna. all my hard work will be covered under the pretense that I'm the king's mate, everything we work for will be over" the room fall silent "we can talk to him, ask him to let our pack join the royal one! our pack is powerful enough..." I cut him off "it's a pack where 87% of the warriors are women Marco, they will never let them keep their positions, and what if he says no?" he sits down quitting the annoying walk he was doing, my attention turns to Lucy whos been quiet all this time, she stare at me with a hint of fear in her eyes
"they are going to separate us arent they?" i shake my head "over my dead body" i say kissing her forehead
"You should go" Marco speak again

I stare at him with annoyance as he gets up and leaves the room

Lucy's eyes darken as he follows him out probably mind linking something mean

rumors of me being attacked by another alpha start going around the pack and I receive a lot of visitors asking about my health or bringing me food

The little ones even stay still with me until late at night: my protectors.

as each of them come and go my heart warmed a little bit more almost hurting at some point

all of em have stories, terrible or not they made their way here and finally felt safe at a place they finally call home

Late at night, some noise wakes me up and I stay alert getting downstairs toward the mutter
"You know damn well that's not what I mean!" Marco silent yells in frustration
"You want to take over the pack, don't you? that's why you are pushing her away!" Lucy's scream shock me a bit
"That's not it! Even if Jane goes away I won't take the Alpha position, another one will be appointed and you know well"
"You know no one can stand high as her, if another Alpha comes he or she will be destroyed in no time. Jane has to stay"
"Why are you being so selfish? She has the right to make a life without struggle, have pups of her own, and be happy with her family!" There is silent for a while
"We are her family! And she is happy" her sobs  feel the room "she can't leave, she can't"
"She will die, Lucy, I know, I loved you I went against the bond and it was killing me and my wolf slowly and that's why you let me go, you knew" Lucy break their eye contact
"That was different"
"How was it different?"
"She's a hybrid, she can do it"
"Why are you so..."

I walk closer to see them interrupting their little show

Lucy's back is turned toward the sink as she leans on it, while Marco sits a bit far looking at her
"why are you guys arguing over a decision I have to make? I don't plan on going, so stop the fighting and go and sleep" I say getting their attention "And even if i ever decide to go, I'm not leaving any of you, so you two stop fighting!" I walk to Lucy and embrace her as her sobs get louder
"You have to, stop being the fucking hero! You won't be able to save anyone once you die" I smile at Lucy cleaning her checks, then I turn to look at Marco
"He is not my first mate" I announce turning around to look at his shocked face "the King is not my first mate, i already went through a rejection and I did well, don't forget who I am Marco"

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