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I wash off the blood on my hands and face looking at Lucy through the mirror
"Marco told me to inform you about the visitors" she say talking about Cassandra and her company
"Why didn't he link me?" I turn around with a frown
"You blocked him" she smile as i nod
"He can be really disturbing at times, what are they up to?" I ask referring to the visitors
"They say they will be leaving tomorrow" I nod
"Gift them something, I really admire her courage" i throw myself on my bed
"Then why don't you help her?" I look at her innocent face and smile
"Because I will course her more trouble Lucy, that stupid council have been searching for anything to attack me, they will use the alliance as an excuse to shut us down" she keeps quiet and I tap the side of my bed to make her sit
"Why are they so annoyed about us?" She ask laying her head on my shoulder
"They are pissed because they thought they were the only one that could do certain things, seeing a woman do the same with less problem hurt their pride and more import is that the Queen side with us."
"Oh it's Marco again, dinner is ready" I nod "you are not coming are you?" I shake my head "you wanna sleep?" I nod and she smile "you are a child in an alpha body"

My sleep is cut off by my wolf
'Let me out!' I turn around trying to ignore her

I was about to make out with a hot dude over there, he had muscular body and God does abs were solid! I was touching and palping and licking every each of that-
'Let me out!'
'For God sake Adriana!'
'Let me out'
'I fucking heard you the first time, I was ignoring you!'
'You are not doing a great job with that at it ,are you?'

I sit up my bed

Why does no one allow me to sleep in this pack? Do I have to die to be able to sleep in peace?
'Let's go!'

I open up my balcony door and the fresh cold breeze hit me
'Ain't no way Adriana, let's wait for the sun'
'I'm not gonna wait for no sun, I wanna come out'
'Who you think you talking to like that little lady?' My wolf goes silent and I huff 'only 20 minutes then I'm going back to bed'

I jump off the balcony stripping out my close and landing on my paws

Adriana runs freely around the pack trees and then toward the riverside
'Don't cross the river '

She continues running for a while before stopping for water
'Animals pee in here girl!'
'It's cleaner and healthier than the junk you eat'
'How dare you' she ignores me and take off running again

I can smell my pack member now and then in their position controlling the borders

A weird smell come along and instinctively Adriana follows it

She crosses the river ignoring my yell inside her ,I try and take control but the bitch block me
'Stop it!' I yell

The smell become stronger as she run

She slows down and I shift back in my human form completely naked
"Fucking hell Adriana!"
'I'm sorry okay?'
"You are not coming out till new pope"

I sniff someone around and I turn around toward the sound
Something fall at my feet

I stare at it for a while: a shirt. I look up again
"Who are you?"I ask seeing a shadow
"Cover up" he's deep voice feels me with an unusual pleasure

I pick up the shirt and wear it

The scent on it makes me close my eyes

It seems familiar but not known at the same time

Extremely strong but sweet

"Oh my God" I snap up as he matches toward me "oh my God" I say again as i walk back way "oh my God"

'Mate' Adriana explode inside me fighting for dominance
'Stay!' i yell even louder

"Mate" his eyes glow in an ironic happiness while his face remain still looking at me
"You must be kidding me right now" I push my hair to the back looking at him

His expression so cold and his aura was intimidating

He was angry or really bad at expressing his emotion

I simply turn around and start walking away from him, in a second thought, I turn again and point at him
"What if we just reject each other?" He keeps looking at me "common it will be like super fast and easy maybe if I'm lucky Adriana will be so mad at me that she will quit talking to me for a decade or two?" I smile

He stared at me like I'm was some kind of crazy chick
"I'm not going to reject you Jane"
"why not? wait, how do you know my name? are you like a stalker or a perverted maniac?" He smiles breaking his cold mask

I stare at his face in awe

for all the stars in the sky! he is handsome! His eyes currently glowed so I can't tell what colour they are, his curly hair were black matching his lightly tan skin, he's really tall and his body was way too trained
"A picture last longer my beauty" I raise my head looking at his eyes
"I wasn't looking" I quickly say folding my arms to my chests
"I'm Dereck" he takes a step toward me stretching his hand to me
"Look, I don't want a mate, I'm sure as hell that you are a wonderful person and you are hot ,I can see that, but I'm messed up and don't need anyone to be part of it" i backup a little "whenever you are ready for the rejection process, cross over the river and ask of me that is my pack, oh and thank you for this" I pull his shirt off and give it back to him shifting into Adriana ,who's been cursing at me, and trialling back our way home.

Mate meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora