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"You didn't get any sleep, did you.?" The Japanese stared at the exhausted Korean with eyes of concern.

It was true, Dayeon didn't get any sleep last night. It was obvious as well. Her head was resting against one of her arms that were spread across the table, her hair messily spread out as well. It looked like she was a passed out drunk, but all it was, was the lack of sleep.

"Oi, are you dead?" Hikaru aggressively poked the brunette's arm and even snatched her wine colored beanie off of her head.

"You don't help, do you?" Dayeon grew the strength to lift her head and swiped the beanie right out of Hikaru's hand. She heaved a sigh out of stress as she stood to her feet, letting the chair screech when pushed back.

"Are you coming or not?" The brunette lifted her used-up coal painted backpack off of the seat next to her and swung it over her shoulder.

"To figure out what's up with your camera? To figure out why a woman you took a photo of won't appear in your shots? I don't know about you, but that gives me the creeps." Hikaru crushed her empty juice box as she shivered from many haunting thoughts.

"Of course, you never agreed to watch horror movies anyways." Dayeon rolled her eyes and began dragging her feet to the exit of the cafe, nearly bumping into a stranger by accident.

"Hey, good luck!"

"Mhm, whatever." Dayeon whispered to herself after her ears captured Hikaru's last few words.

So there Dayeon was, following the same exact tracks as yesterday. She arrived at the same time of the day, still hoping the girl would be there again. As the brunette retraced her steps, she occasionally paused and stared at a handful of the dandelions intently. She even fantasized about having a chance to take one, or take any flower and insert it through the locks of Chaehyun's hair. But then again, Chaehyun was gone- or that's what she always wanted to believe.

"Here, right?" Dayeon whispered to herself as she looked around, hoping for at least a sign of the girl's presence.

For a few minutes she'd look around quite a bit. If she was going to be honest, it felt a bit awkward for her. But after half an hour of staying alert for the girl, a feeling pulled at her, telling her to give up. Dayeon wanted to since the sun was about to set, but she still stayed in the same spot, still hoping. Of course, she got tired standing around, so Dayeon took a break from looking and sat on the ground, not even hidden by the flowers. She set her backpack by her side, unzipping it and pulling her camera out. Dayeon quietly laughed to herself as she scrolled through old videos she managed to capture before Chaehyun had left for a bit of business. It felt weird for her to be laughing and smiling, but also feeling that crumb of sadness slowly getting to her.

Her eyes shot up, catching swift movement from the corner of her eye. It was a white butterfly that flew peacefully along her line of sight. The brunette's full attention had been caught and her gaze followed the butterfly. It flew further to her right, leading her to find a figure standing next to her. Dayeon felt a bit frightened by the sudden appearance, but she took a glance at the white sneakers standing before her. Her eyes trailed up and along the individual, seeing the same white dress from yesterday but a bit torn up. This was it. The girl from yesterday was here yet again.

But when she met eyes with the peach girl, her own eyes immediately felt threatened by tears. The face was all too familiar, a face she hadn't been able to see in person for what felt like forever.


Time stopped for her as she stared in the eyes of Chaehyun. It'd been two years since Dayeon last saw her, and if Dayeon was going to be honest, it was almost like nothing changed from Chaehyun- well except the hair of course, but what the brunette would mean is her beauty and hopefully her personality. Chaehyun had the same kind, welcoming eyes, the same cheeks as soft as fluffy bread, the same thin lips that- she had to admit.. she would glance at it every now and then. Dayeon's breath felt cut short. It was almost like a goddess looked down upon her. She had many urges itching at her to hop to her feet and embrace the girl. The long awaited warm embrace that Dayeon may or may not have wished for every night before she went to bed. But for some unknown reason, she felt extremely hesitant, or maybe she was too shocked to move an inch.

Either way, Dayeon didn't care if she could or if she could not. Why? Because Chaehyun was like the final piece that completed a puzzle. She completed Dayeon and that was all that mattered. All the brunette cared about was that at this very moment, her dearest friend was present.

"Were you looking for me?" A content smile slowly spread across her face as she gently rocked back and forth on her feet. Her words rolled smoothly off her tongue, and her voice was just as sweet as honey.

"Y-Yeah.. I just didn't expect it to be you." Dayeon shuffled to her feet as she spoke and without hesitation, she hugged the girl as tight as possible, almost like she was afraid to lose Chaehyun- and she was.

"Oh." Chaehyun just barely heaved out, feeling a bit of shock from the suffocating hug. Despite it being somewhat fatal, she hugged the girl back as well. She let herself melt into Dayeon's arms.

"I missed you." Dayeon whispered.

"Me too.." Very, very much.

Dayeon (sort of) parted from the peach haired girl, taking yet another moment to digest the fact that Chaehyun was right before her. She stared at the girl who seemed to be enjoying herself in the brunette's arms. As her eyes wandered around Chaehyun, they spotted something unusual. Hiding nearly out of sight behind Chaehyun's hair, she saw rough skin and skin that seemed to be.. healing. She guessed; was it a scar?

"What's this.?" Dayeon's eyes were glued to the wound as she lifted her hand and dared to move Chaehyun's hair aside to get a thorough look.

But just as her fingers moved the slightest bit of hair, Chaehyun's own hand smoothly ran across the back of Dayeon's, interlocked fingers, and carefully brought the brunette's hand away rather flirtatiously. It felt off to Dayeon.

"What's what?" Chaehyun tried avoiding the question. Dayeon wanted to ask again, but the look in Chaehyun's eyes begged her not to.

"Nothing, never-mind." Now her mind was running. What was there to hide about an ordinary wound? Dayeon saw how relieved and relaxed Chaehyun looked after she decided not to talk about the scar.

"I know night is about to fall and you want to go home, but could you come with me? I want to show you something." Chaehyun gazed at Dayeon with pleading eyes, gently fixing their hands so palm was in palm. She felt confused when the brunette looked at her a certain way she couldn't understand.

"Kim Chaehyun." Dayeon laughed. "Two years without you and you expect me to just leave for the rest of the night and see you again tomorrow? Are you crazy? Of course I'm coming with you." The younger one picked up her backpack and swung it onto her shoulder. Dayeon held the girl's hand tightly. Perhaps she was incredibly afraid of losing her.

"Right." Chaehyun let out a wholehearted laugh as she began to lead them deeper into the field of dandelions. She slowed her pace as she turned around to the brunette.

"Did I ever mention? You look good today- and very gay.." Chaehyun commented on Dayeon's outfit and Dayeon felt like drowning herself. The same feelings as two years ago rushed to her quicker than she expected. But god, did euphoria feel so delightful.

"What do you mean by that last part?"

Chaehyun chuckled. "Please. A wine beanie, olive green jacket draped over your smoke grey shirt? Not to mention, your sleeves rolled up and showing off your wristwatch rimmed with gold and a leather band to wrap around your wrist? Would you look at that, black ripped jeans and white sneakers? There's no point hiding in the closet."

"At least have some mercy, goodness." Dayeon felt like she was just stabbed with a bunch of blades disguised into words. But she had to admit, Chaehyun wasn't wrong at all

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