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Years ago, through the old camera lenses, a moment Dayeon cherished was recorded. Around highschool during her junior year, Dayeon was hanging out with Chaehyun in her house's garage. The driveway was clear and the garage was vacant. Chaehyun's parents were unfortunately out of the state and she invited Dayeon over, since it was her birthday. The two had spent the whole day together in that garage, soaking each other with water guns during the day and lighting sparklers during the night.

After Chaehyun had blown her candles, she played a song on the speakers while Dayeon was fixing her camera set up. The music caught her attention as she did; it was slow. Slower than the songs Chaehyun had been playing throughout the whole day. In the corner of her eye, she could see Chaehyun smiling widely and seeming excited and jumpy. She shifted her gaze to the older and found herself smiling at the sight of Chaehyun's intense happiness. If Dayeon was being honest, she had never seen Chaehyun smile as wide as she did during that time.

"Are you recording?"

Dayeon nodded and saw Chaehyun waving at the camera while munching on a few of the pastries they made throughout the day. It was adorable to her, so she zoomed in a bit and called out to her. The older responded with a peace sign.

"Come here!" Chaehyun rushed to the younger one. She grasped her hands ever so gently, but harshly pulled her in front of the camera. Dayeon stumbled and nearly fell, but besides that, she was confused by Chaehyun's approach. As always, typical Dayeon.

"Let's slow-dance." Chaehyun whispered as she rested her hands on Dayeon's shoulders. Dayeon knew what she was supposed to do, but she couldn't help feeling a wave of embarrassment washing over her and Chaehyun seemed to notice it. She gave a teasing look before reassuring.

"It's okay. I don't bite or anything."

Dayeon heaved a quiet sigh, feeling like she had held her breath the whole time. She hesitantly placed her hands against Chaehyun's waist and could rarely maintain eye contact with the older. It bothered not only her, but Chaehyun as well. Dayeon didn't know why, but she felt tense when a soft hand cupped her cheek and directed her gaze to the beauty in front of her.

"I admit, I'm shy too, but at least look at me." She whispered.

"Sorry, sorry." Dayeon nervously chuckled as she naturally began to lead.

The two were quietly enjoying this dance together, swaying back and forth like the leaves on a tree in the spring breeze. They would begin to take small steps and maybe mess their steps up a few times, but they'd cover it with some laughs and shared smiles. Dayeon occasionally took steps forward and assisted Chaehyun with twirls, their hands naturally finding their way to each other. If anything, they were submerged in a silent, content moment of time. Especially when Chaehyun had spun into Dayeon's warm embrace. They stared at each other with loving eyes for a split second before rocking back and forth again, Chaehyun's back against the younger's chest and their fingers laced perfectly together. That distinct moment lit a spark in Dayeon, that eventually became an enraging flame of burning love for Chaehyun over the years. It was a new feeling, a feeling which made her realize she had fallen for the girl during that very dance.

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