An Ill Fated Muse

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Strange Kris Bowers (ft

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Kris Bowers (ft. Hilliary Smith)

"Stop whingeing," Dream muttered not looking up from his notebook.

Sapnap, hung upside down on the tour bus couch, grimaced again. The blood was rushing to his brain and turning him beet red while Karl tossed fruit loops into his mouth. They'd made a game out of it and the score was five-one, Sapnap's favor.

"But they all have a stick up their ass, or somthn." Dream cringed at the obnoxious crunch of Sapnap's teeth. In a terrible mock accent, "hello, mate. Excellent show, mate. Beautiful set, mate."

Quackity joined in, "you drink like a bull, mate." A gaggle of laughs, "bloody brilliant! God you're a tosser!"

Dream was just about to reprimand them before a knock came on their door. And speak of the devil, Wilbur's head popped in after Karl pulled the latch.

"Hello, guys." His formality was a buzz kill. "Are you all occupied or?"

"No," Dream announced. "Did you guys need something?"

"No," he cleared his throat. "Jack and Tommy wanted me to invite you to our bus for a Mario Cart tournament-"

"Wilbur stop being fucking boring!" A young boy argued his way into the doorway. "Let me see. Ah, hello!" The first thing to notice about the boy was his blond hair and the infamous heigh, he nearly towered Wilbur when he stuck his head through the frame. This was their fill in bassist, the one that took Niki's place occasionally. "Come on, who's in?"

All of Dream's bandmates looked towards him for guidance. He frowned then lifted a hand to shoot them away scrambling from the floor the three of them dashed towards the exit. Fighting over each other like brothers, the three moved quickly. Even after all the complaints they were always up for a fun time. It was amusing.

Karl shoved Quackity with boisterous laughter and Sapnap nearly fell over the tour bus steps. The blood was slowly righting itself in his head before he spoke, "you coming, Dream?"

The man shook his head, "not in the mood."

Sapnap sighed, but didn't seem surprised, "you never are."

Maybe Dream was supposed to feel bad for not wanting to do everything with his band, but he didn't. They did their thing and he did his, it worked. And god forbid if he did start having fun again, he knew good and well it would go to shit in a matter of time.

"Hey." Sapnap paused at the door to look back at his best friend who'd called. Dream grinned, "hand them their ass. I know you're competitive."

The smile he received split Sapnap's cheeks and warmed Dream's affection. With his loud voice, Sapnap whooped then disappeared into the night air.

They were stopped between two states to change drivers and let the busses rest. Nashville, Tennessee was the next show. Dream had pulled a face at the mention knowing it's venues were mostly for country artist, but he didn't protest. Outside the bus the wilderness fell vaguely between dirt roads and highways. Middlesboro, Kentucky had nothing immediately special to it. With one internet search Dream learned that it was built around a meteorite impact. He couldn't see any of that though, all he had as entertainment was the dark shadows of trees and the faint conversation beyond the bus.

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