chapter 8

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Sapnaps POV

"Dream!" I shout happily as I fall down on his bed.

He turns away from his computer to shoot me a glare, "What do you want, I'm busy."

"I'm bored," I complain.

"Go bug your boyfriend," Dream rolls his eyes.

"He's at work," Sitting up, I wiggle my eyebrows, "plus he got alone time with you, where's mine?"

"He-" I watch a red blush covering his freckled cheeks, just the reaction I wanted, "Well, he begged for it."

"I'm not begging for you," A fake gagging sound leaves my mouth, "I'm not a bottom."

"Well that sucks," Dream turns back around and puts his headset on, blocking me out.

I flop back down onto the sheets, staring at the ceiling. Letting out a sigh I try to think of ways to get his attention. Sleeping with him wasn't the goal, I only wanted to see him blush and get him to hang out with me. He's been avoiding me lately and I just wanted my best friend back.

"You're still here?" I look over at him.

"Of course I am."

"Fine," he sighs, "Come here, you can, sit- um sit on my lap or something while I work. If you want."

I sit up quickly, usually I wouldn't be so eager but this wasn't an offer I wanted Dream to take back. Settling in his lap is a bit uncomfortable, but we make it work. His arms are warm around me, and I rest my head in the crook of his neck.

"Don't bother me anymore, I really need to get this work done," He speaks softly.

"No promises," I can't help the smile across my face when he shivers.

Despite my words I let Dream have some time. I close my eyes and rest, Dream's soft breathing making me relax. The click of the keyboard slowly lulls me into a sleepy state, and I can't help but kiss his neck gently, just trying to stay awake.

"Sap," Dream breathes, and I hum in response, "That's not leaving me alone."

"Sorry," I mumble, "Just like your neck."

"Are you and George okay?"

"What?" I pulled away, "Did he tell you something was wrong?"

"No, I just," he takes a deep breath, "You two have been spending less time together, and both seem keen on getting my attention. Is it like a jealousy thing? I really don't like being in the middle of your problems, I care about you both."

"Dream," I look at him, "Are you listening to yourself? For the record, George and I are the best we've ever been, do you not think there's any other reason we'd want your attention?"

"I don't know Sap!" He looks exasperated, "You two aren't exactly talking to me about it. You just started sleeping with me!"

"You are allowed to say no Dream," I can't just tell him why without George around, "Why haven't you said anything about this before? Our intention was never to make you uncomfortable."

"Then what was it?" He questions, "Are you using me to spice up the relationship? Cause I don't want to be some plaything cause you two can't keep things interesting."

"Dream, that's not it, we - I - Fuck."

"You what Sap?" Dream pushes my hips, and I climb off, "What is it?"

"I can't tell you right now Dream, not without George."

"Then I'm going to ask you to leave."


"Leave, please."


George gets home as Dream is getting ready to leave. Before our argument the three of us had agreed to spend the night together, but it seemed Dream had changed his mind.

"Hi Sappy, Dream!" George smiled, eyeing Dream oddly, "Are you going somewhere Dream?"

"To Jack's Party."

George looks at me before turning his attention back to Dream, "Weren't we going to watch movies tonight instead?"

"I changed my mind," Dream shrugs before walking out the still open door.

I look away when George tries to look at me, embarrassed that I was somehow the one who caused this.

"Did something happen while I was gone?"

"George," I sigh, "I think we need to tell Dream about our feelings. He thinks we're using him to spice up our sex life or something."

"He does?" George looks bewildered, "Why hadn't he said anything before? Doesn't he know we would have stopped?"

"I don't know, I tried talking to him about it but he wouldn't listen. I didn't want to admit any feelings while you weren't here," I can feel a pit of dread forming in my stomach thinking about it again, "I don't want to lose him, George, at least not like this. If he hates us because we like him, I can live with that. But I know this hurts him too."

"Take a deep breath for me," Suddenly George is right in front of me, helping me sit down on the couch, "Dream isn't going to hate us, we can talk to him when he gets home, Okay? For now let's just continue our plans without him. I'll be right here with you."

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