Scuse me..... what?

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"Thank's again!" I yelled to the shopkeeper as I ran back down the street. I could hear the ceramic cups rattling in their boxes, safely tucked in my bag. I slowed to a walk, admiring the clothing stands and food stalls. As I passed shops, people waved at and bid me farewell. "Y/N darling, It's nice to see you." A little old lady greeted me, closing the sliding door to her shop. "Oh! Good evening Mrs. Shum!" I said, giving her a toothy grin. "I have something for you deary, follow me." She reopened the door and held it open for me to come inside. She let me in between shelves full of knickknacks and all kinds of gemstones. " Y/N, are you coming?" She asked, waiting at the door to the storage room. "Ah! Yes, sorry!" I apologized and scrambled to catch up with her. " that's quite all right deary." She chuckled and let me inside. It was a small room, with lots of boxes covered in dust. Well I was busy examining the boxes and shelves, Mrs. Shum was dusting off What seemed to be a piece of clothing. "Now  Y/N, I want you to have this. It was mine back in the day when I was a Hashira." She said, handing me the folded cloth. "A what?" I asked, tilting my head to the side as if to express my confusion. The old woman chuckled, and patted me on the shoulder. " you'll understand soon, very soon." She said leading me back to the front door. "Now, it's getting dark so you should head home." She said, ushering me out the door. "W-wait, but what's a-" she shut the door in my face. "....Hashira" I sweat dropped, sighing in defeat. I looked closer at the piece of fabric that she had handed me and carefully unfolded it. It was dark blue, with beautiful patterns of jellyfish and lights embroidered on it. I gasped lightly and slipped it on. It fit perfectly, and the soft material felt comfortable on my S/C skin. I smiled slightly to myself and made my way back to the Inn.


It was pretty dark outside when I finally reached home. I was humming a soft song as I approached the sliding door, slipping off my sandals. Though, something felt off. I could not hear the laughing of customers, or the giggles of children. There was a dark aura surrounding the Inn as I slowly opened the door. Inside, there were scattered remains of ripped clothing and bodies. I slapped my hand over my mouth as my eyes widened, tears threatening to spill. I dropped my bag, the tea cups spilling out and shattering all over the floor. Right in the middle of the room, eating the flesh of a young boy, was it disgusting, greenish blue, horned creature. It slowly turned around, it's piercing red eyes staring straight at me. It licked its lips and wiped its mouth. " look at you, so ripe and fresh. A beautiful young girl for me to devour! I could suck out your brain and grind up your bones for seasoning! Or maybe I should just eat you whole!" It yelled, lunging straight at me. I was too scared to even scream. But suddenly, I heard a swish, and it's head went crashing to the ground. Blood spilling everywhere.

"Don't wory,"


"Your safe now."

The Life Pillar (Various KNY x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now