The Hashiras

321 4 25

Your POV

It had been a few days of trudging through the snow, and most of it was silent. I had bought an oversized cloak-thing with my spare pocket money to keep me warm. I wore it most of the time, not cuz it smelled like food or anything-

*CoUgh cOUgh*

Giyu Don't talk very much, he was mostly quiet and kept his guard up. We would stop in nearby villages, staying in an inn or with a former "corps member." Every now and then, I would find myself staring at Giyu. He remind me of someone, but I just couldn't remember who. I was lost in my thoughts when I suddenly heard him calling out my name. "L/N? Can you hear me? Are you alright?" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to look at him. He seemed to have gotten a lot more comfortable with me over the past few days. "Ah, Gomen nasai, Tomioka-san." (I AM SO SORRY IF I SPELLED THAT WRONG!) I apologized, giving him a small smile. A small red tint crossed his face and I panicked and put my hand to his forehead. "Tomioka-san! Are you alright?! Did you catch a cold!?" He seemed to turn a darker shade of pink. *CoUGh cOugH* SiMp- *CoUgH cOuGh WHEEZE-* "N-no I'm fine." He said, pushing my hand away. "We're almost there, I have to warn you, the people, they're, different." He said, an annoyed look flashing across his face. "Different? How so?" I asked, tilting my head to the side a bit. "Just be prepared." He sighed. "Um, alright then." I followed him down a narrow road, lined with wisteria trees. My E/C eyes twinkled, the flowers were beautiful, like they had been pulled right out of a fairy tale.

???'s POV

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???'s POV

Sitting in one of the trees, I peered down at the two people walking down the path. My eyes widened at the girls eyes. They were so enchanting, the light hue was welcoming and calm. They sparkled like the night sky, with tens of thousands of glittering stars. "L/N!" I heard my comrade call for her, making her snap her head in his direction. Her eyes reverted back to the soft E/C ones that they were before. "Coming Tomioka-san!" She replied, scurrying after him. I sighed, "So what do you think, Kaburamaru?"

⠀ 。゚゚・。・゚゚。
゚。 。゚
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As I stared at my stupid twin from across the room-



As you and water boi-I MEAN GIYU- walked a somewhat comfortable silence filled the air. "Ok, so, we're about to drop in during a monthly meeting. So just follow my lead." Giyu explained ✨Emotionlessly✨ to you as you walked through the large metal gates. As soon as you were on the other side, eight people turned to stare at you. You flushed a bright red and hid behind Giyu. "God dammit Giyu what did you bring this time?" A short woman with black and purple hair asked, sighing. "Oh, oh! Remember that one time he found a frog and named it-" "SHUT UP MITSURI!!!" Giyu cut of the cute woman with pink and green hair that was tied up into braids, his face flushing a deep red color. You stifled a laugh that came out more like a snort, and quickly covered your mouth. "Ara ara~ Giyu, who is this? A secret affair?" The butterfly lady commented again, smirking. You turned a deep red color. "What an idiot! Taking an innocent child here is against the rules. How un-flamboyant of you Tomioka." A man with white hair and a red mark on his face spoke up. "What kind of bird is that again...?" A boy your age mumbled quietly, looking up at a tree. "You didn't kidnap this little girl did you Tomioka?" A man with fiery hair asked, his bright smile never leaving his face. An irk mark appeared on your forehead and your hands balled up into fists. You stepped out from behind your human shield and yelled, "Will you quit teasing him?! I am NOT his girlfriend, he is NOT an idiot, and he most certainly did NOT kidnap me!!!" You huffed in annoyance and crossed your arms over your chest. "If these are the people that were supposed to take care of me, I'm outa here!" You flipped everyone off and started walking away.

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