The train station

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[Wilbur has a nightmare,that he is back at the train station.Techno finds his brother small and scared,and takes care of his little twin for the day]

Wilbur woke up,sitting up with a groan.He froze when he opened his eyes.He was back,back at the cursed train station.It was dark and quiet,the smell of soot and the underground in the air.

He scooched back into a corner of the platform,wincing in pain. There was a bloody and blue gash on his middle,staining the yellow sweater he wore.Wilbur realized his trenchcoat was gone.He looked around in a panic,the embroidered coat nowhere to be seen.

The coat distinguished him from Ghostbur.For all else he wore was Ghostburs yellow sweater,a pair of patched up jeans,and his old beanie.He looked exactly like Ghostbur,except for the green going along his skin at spots.

He got up with another wince,the gash on his middle hurt and stained the surrounding sweater area bright blue.He couldn't be here,surely he couldn't be back.He looked around,the place as he remembered.Dark,cold,and empty.The tracks went on forever,no train nearby.

Wilbur reached up to adjust his beanie,it must just be a nightmare.He noticed the usual green colouration he got from revive wasn't there,and he stared in confusion.The white chunk of hair wasn't there either,usually slightly in front of his eyes unless held up by his beanie.

His breathing got a little faster as he realized he must look exactly like Ghostbur,nothing too tell them apart with.He-he couldn't be Ghostbur again.He just cant!It must be a nightmare-it has to be a nightmare.He slipped a little,feeling smaller then before.

With a whimper,he curled up in the corner.It was dark and cold and scary,and he looked too much like the carefree ghost to be sure he was even himself.What if he was Ghostbur,making up memories and stuff as he he slowly went insane?

He wanted freind.But-but freind was Ghostburs pet.Not-not his!He slipped more,getting even smaller and more scared.His permanent wound hurt every time he breathed,the blue blood dripping endlessly down his sweaters front.But it was Ghostburs sweater...right?

He moved and with a wince was forcefully reminded of his death,how he begged his father to stab him.And he did.So he died.A helped suicide,after blowing up his country.He whimpered at the memory,he hated that memory.

Wilburs-Ghostburs,sweater sleeves were far too long.Swallowing up his hands and going well beyond them,successfully making sweater paws.He felt smaller at the fact the sweater was too big for him,it made him feel too small for big kid clothing.

He was all alone,scared and small.Then,a whistle blew and a train pulled in.A boy that looked just like Wilbur was at its entrance,looking at him.He was him,but not him.He had his jacket,and the sweater was sewed up where the wound was.There was a chunk of white in his hair and green going along bart of his face.What-How-

They didnt step off.but opened their mouth to speak.Their voice was Revburs,but wasnt that his voice?But-but if that was Rev,was he-he really...?That couldn't be!He was himself,he was Revbur..right?

"Seems the tables have turned,haven't they?"

Ghostbur,but a vengeful spirit from being left in that place.He had taken Wilburs looks and voice.Leaving the other as he once was,a simple ghost.

"B-but you can't be me!'M supposed ta be me!"

His voice was slurred and he covered his mouth in shock when he realized whos voice that was.It was Ghostburs.It was his.He was Ghostbur.The other him,Rev,smiled a smile full of malice and stepped backwards into the train as it left the platform.

He started sobbing,his tears burning down his cheeks and a bright blue as his blood was.He was small now,just a scared child in a empty train station.

Wilbur woke up with a start,falling out of his bed in a tangle of blankets.He was back home,in Techno and Phils artic cottage.Phil was out getting groceries,and Techno was downstairs reading.He was small though,scared from his nightmare.He took a long time to detangle himself,stumbling when he finally got out of the blankets.

He sniffled and saw his trench coat was on a chair next to his bed,the embroidery still lovely as ever.Wilbur shakily stood up and went to the mirror above the dresser.He stared in horror at his reflection,for blue was smeared on his face.His tears were blue and there was blue dripping down the corner of his mouth.

No-no!It was supposed to-to just be a nightmare!

He stumbled off to the bathroom.Wilbur was small and wanted his big brother and dada,but he also didnt want them too see how the nightmares seemed too seep into real life.He washed it all off,making sure none was left and then dried off.He went downstairs,seeing Techno and feeling too small to talk.

Techno looked up at a sniffle from his brother,getting up when he could tell the other was small.His sweater sleeves were covering up his hands,making sweater paws.And his eyes were red from crying.He picked him up and carried him to get breakfast,bananas since he was too small for none mushy foods.

Techno cleaned him up afterwords,and let him choose a story for him too read.He chose a fairytale,the little mermaid.And snuggled into him while Techno read it,Wilbur was entirely absorbed in the story as Techno read.

When Phil came home Techno told him Wil was small,Phil coo'ooed at how Wilbur looked cuddled up into Techno with his big sweater.He followed Phil around or snuggled with Techno while he read for the day.Techno letting him choose stories.Phil let him help with baking,only the things he could do of course.

Wilbur didn't tell them about the nightmare that seeped into real life,how he woke up with blue tears going down his face.He didn't want to bother them about it.

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