For Brooky

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They eventually had to go back in the village,Tubbo didn't want to get in trouble.So Ranboo brought them back,he didnt want to get the boy in trouble either.The sun was setting,painting the sky golden with pinks and oranges throughout.It was quite lovely,too see the sun set.Tubbo showed Ranboo around,the ender apparently didnt know his way around the village,saying he often forgot things because of his bad memory.

"There is Nikis bakery,she bakes the best bread!And over there is Phils tavern,be careful not too get in a fight with Techno.Hes the pink haired one,the piglin hybrid,hes the best at fighting."

Tubbo enthusiastically showed Ranboo around,happy to show his new freinds things as Ranboo had shown him the field.Ranboo would write things down in this book he seemed to carry around with him,Tubbo thought his writing was nice and neat looking.Tubbo decided to show him his home,he lived  in a little cottage that was pretty cozy to be in.

He insisted he make Ranboo some tea,the other saying he didnt need it and was fine.Tubbo insisted still,he wanted to be a good freind.The tea was sweetened with sugar and lightened with cream,it was quit nice with blueberry muffins.The flowers Tubbo and Ranboo had collected from the field were put in a vase of water,they'd stay fresh for longer.

"Thanks,Tubbo,for the tea and muffins.I really should get going,I don't want to trespass my stay." 

Tubbo said it was fine though,letting Ranboo stay longer.The two spent the next couple of hpurs just having fun,learning more about their new freind.Tubbo made Ranboo some pressed flowers as a gift,and Ranboo gave Tubbo a little doodle of bees.They thanked each other before seperating,Ranboo heading home as the sun was long gone.

"Bye Ranboo!Ill see you tomorrow!"

"Goodbye to you too,Tubbo,Ill see you tomorrow as well!"

Dram had found out,though,of the newcomer to their small village.And he did not like it.Ranboo had gotten in,teleporting in without a problem.Already he knew so much about the village,one excitable goat having told him it all.That book,the one that said " Do Not Read!",it had it all written down.If he could get it..

Ranboo headed home,teleporting outside the walls and too a little cottage.He thoguht the village was nice,and he quite liked Tubbo.The boy was so nice,they had been freinds the moment they met.Ranboo settled down,putting his book in his chest before going to bed.

The moon and its stars looked down on the world,watching as they draped a dark blanket of starry blue over the sky.Everyone had gone too bed,everyone was asleep as they should be.Except one king,a king who hated outsiders,even the nice ender.And was plotting ways to get the book,and frame him for something to drive him away.

The moon watched.

The stars shone,as the young ones were taught how to hear the dreams told to them.

The world was asleep

All but a king

(((Sorry its not too long,if you like you can add to it.And apologize for any spelling spelling mistakes))

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