Chapter 5

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Justin's Pov

I sat up and Selena rolled over with my arms digging in the bed, she fell on me, "Oh, sorry," She yawned, but it faded to a soft giggle. Me, just laying here and starring at her. Then her eyes shot open and she covered her mouth, she ran as fast as she could, giving that she just woke up, to the bathroom.

Ran after her, and once I got to the bathroom, I opens the door and she was on her knees in front of the toilet. Her hands gripping the top of the toilet, she still thinks it's too dirty. She's always been like that. Before I know it, I am standing behind her, holding her long, hair. Damn, it's a lot of fucking hair, but it's so soft. Dammit, Selena.

I'm holding her hair, while she sits in front of the toilet, puking all of this shit out of her system. And I'm thinking about her hair, get it together, Justin. Fuck. I hand her a towel, and start the shower without a thought. She stands and I nod, "I'll leave you to your shower," She nods and I head out, shutting the door behind me. I sit on my bed

After a while, she walked out in one of my baggy black shirts and her underwear, and her hair was wavy, she looked beautiful. "All better?" I asked as she climbed in the bed and cuddled next to me, she traced circles with her finger on my chest,"Yeah, I took a pill, so the hangover should go away. So, what do you want to do today?" I chuckled and shrugged,"How about the beach?" Her eyes lit up and she smiled wide,"Yes!!"
"Hey, you okay from last night?" I asked just to make sure she was okay, she simply,"Yeah, all I remember Seven Minutes In Heaven and drinking a lot. Did anything else happen besides....okay it was just a game okay nothing weird between us." I sighed with a fake smile,"Yeah. But you don't remember what else happened?" She shook her head no. I never told her for the rest of the weekend, I thought that it would stress her out, ya know about the Jason thing.

Justins Pov

I parked the car and we all walked inside, it was me, Matt, Ryan, and Harry, British.(One of the new guys at this school.) It's a weird story, me, Matt, and Ryan were in my truck driving to school when I saw him at the bus stop. I stopped and yelled,"Hey, bus passed ten minutes ago, do you..want a ride?" Harry walked up to my car, he nodded,"Yeah sure." I pointed to the back,"Matt, get in the back with Ryan, this guy's sitting there." Matt climbed to the back seat and Harry got in, I started driving and introduced myself and the guys,"What's up man, I'm Justin, those two are Matt and Ryan." Ryan and Matt waved, then Harry introduced,"Hey guys, I'm Harry, I'm a senior and the new school is Ravington Heights." I smirked,"Hey us too, but we've gone here since Elementary." He smiled."Cool. Hey are there any hot chicks that go there?" I chuckled and raised my eyebrows,"Yeah, some." Ryan in the back blurted out,"The hottest, I'd say is between Stephanie and Selena, but dude. I'd tap Sel any day. Stephanie is kind of a bitch." Harry smirked rubbing his chin,
"So the hottest is this Selena girl. Alright, I'll see what I can do." I glanced over at him and Ryan said it,"Woah man, she's taken, by the football team's captain." Harry sighed and then I parked the truck in the parking lot, We all got out and on our way in the school building, Harryvwinked and eyed the girls he saw. We walked in and walked to Selena's locker where she was with Tay talking.

We walked to them and Harry eyed down Selena and smirked. Sel looked at him and smirked,"Who's this hottie?" Tay giggled and leaned on the locker next to Sel's watching the show. "I'm new here, names Harry. And I assume that your Selena, the hottest here?" She giggled and blushed,"Yeah I'm Selena, so new Harry and british, I like it, here let me see you're schedule." She held her binder and journal with one arm and he passed her his schedule folded in a square. She unfolded it and smiled."Ohh we have the same classes, me, you, Jay, and Ryan."

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