Chapter 22: Back Again

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"Baby, what are you doing here?"
He asks smiling at me. Then looks inside and sees Harry walk out and stand next to me.

"Hey Zack." He waves and looks at me and recognizes my ' I gotta tell him ' face. From when I look at Justin sometimes.
He realizes,"Oh. I uhh gotta go. .Bye." He walks quickly.

Zack looks back at me,"What's going on?" He asks a little clench at his fists.


"What were you doing here with Harry?" He asks quickly with a deep tone.

I shrug scared,"Just grabbing a cup of coffee."

He sighed, and I say this too quickly,"Zack, I...need to tell you something. We need to talk.."

His eyes shot back to me quickly and his chest moves rapidly, his jaw is clenching.

I sit on one of the benches and so does he.

I start,"I love you. But. . .not in that way." His hand reaches for mug and and lands on it.
"To use deserve someone who does love you like that. Loves you loves you."

His hand squeezes mine,"That could be you baby." His other hand holds my cheek. But I pull my hand away and lean back,"No. It can't. I'm sorry Zack. But I like someone else."

He stands up and pulls me up,"Who? How long has this been going on?"

I shake my head,"nothing has been going on. I just like him. Strongly, but it's not fair to you. So I let you go. Go be with someone you love."

"But you know I love you." He hugs me.

I hug back,"Not like that."

He sighed and rubs my back,"I love you. But I gotta let you go."

We pull away and I kiss his cheek,"Goodbye Zack."

"Goodbye Selena."

And I walk away and remever that I have to rush to Ophie. To see Justin.

I run in my boots and it is freezing. Its already been 15 minutes. I run until it and been 20 minutes. I reach Ophie and rush climbing up.

I am in and I shut the door from the coldness. Coldness of New York snow.
I see Justin sitting on one of the couches. He looks worried and smiles rushing to me and pulling me in a hug.

"You worried me. I thought something bad happened."

I hug back and breathe, then reassure,"I'm fine. But I need to tell you something."

He nods after we pull away and walks to the couch he was sitting on. Holding my hand and sitting me down next to him and putting the blanket over me from me shaking.

I smile,"Thanks."

Then I bite my lip,"Justin, we have been friends for . .forever, we've been through so much shit, even when I had that fucked up life. You took me in. Helped me. And I would do the same. Without you, I would probably be in the grave right now..."

His hand holds my cheek and his thumb wipes a tear away.

I take his hand and hold it drawing circles on his palm,
"I..I like you. Yes like that. And it hurts so damn bad to see you with Kendall. I hate it. So much. Because I wish I was Kendall, I wish I could kiss you when ever I want. Like before we had that fight. When there was a spark. Because when I kissed you, it was different then Jason's or Zack's kisses. Or any other's. I just want to be with you and kiss-"

Our lips crash once he pulls me. That feeling, that spark, his lips, I ached for it so long.a test falls because I am so happy that this is happening that I can feel his soft lips again.

We pull away and pulls me to lay on his chest, I smile, can't help it.

After a few minutes of him and Me kissing and laying in each other's arms, he speaks,"What about Zack?"

"I ended it. Because I didn't feel that way about him."

"And Kendall?"

He smiled,"Once I see her, it's done. I'm all yours and your all mine."

I smile and lean up to kiss him again.I can't help but try to savor it.

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