Chapter 30: Woah..

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It was the day that I was leaving the hospital, and I had just been walked to Justin's car by him.
Then he jogged to His driver's seat and got in, shutting the door.

Then he began driving, it was silent, but only because my vocals are a little messed up. But I can still talk.

So I start,"Where are we going?"
Asking him unsure.

He glances at me then his eyes go back to the road,"Back to the rented house, then we'll pack up and go back home." He says too quickly.

I shake my head,"No..we came here to have a good summer before college..I..I'm not letting him ruin it."

His hand grips the wheel harder,"I..I'm not letting anything like that happen to you ever again."

Thinking about what he did to me makes me sick.

My hand moves to His that is laying on his thigh, I place mine over his and squeeze it.

Once we get back to the house, I am walked in by Justin.
I see Taylor and Harry, once they see me, she runs to me.

Hugging me and it hurts Becasue I am also bruised up,"I love you so much Selena! I'm so sorry-" She starts crying.

I tear up and hug her back,"I love you too." Then we pull away after a long hug.
Harry rushed to me and hugged me too,"I'm sorry Selena-"

"It's okay, I'm just glad I'm back.." I hug back and we pull away.

" and Taylor will be upstairs.." I grab Taylor's hand and walk upstairs.

Once we get to me and Justin's room, I sit on the bed with her and we lay back.

"I hate him, Vince..he..took it Taylor.."
I admit to her and she sniffles.

I go on,"He did that everyday for a month..and I hated it. I, I miss you, Harry, and..Justin."
I roll over to her and hug her letting out the tears.

She cries,"I know you wanted to save it for Jay..I'm So sorry. Sorry of Vince doing that..I hate him too, sorry if you being taken, sorry you had to go through that."

I cry with her, and it last for a long time before we shut all the Windows and lick the doors, then watch The Vow.


Justin's Pov

I want to kill him and so know everything he did, she told me about how he did that everyday.

How he ripped her clothes off, about the scars on her legs, and the scars from the chains.

I hate him.

He took her, he took the color from that beautiful girl, Oh she was so full of color, she was my girl full of color. She hates him ever since she was 15, her 'father' made his friend try to rough her up. But he decided he wanted her all for himself and he wanted a lot of girls.

He had some already taken and she was next.. If she hadnt called the police when she was 15, she would have been long gone.

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