Chapter 9

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Selena's Pov

"Sel, can we do something fun?" Becky asked walking up to me, I smiled wiping my eyes,"Yeah sure...Um Justin, can you go put her stuff and Lux, that great daine dog in the house?" I pointed at the dog who was rolling over, He nodded and I asked. Me putting Becky in the back seat of my car, buckling her up and getting in myself. He got in and I started driving to Ikea,"We are going to buy you a bed and a lot of other things for your new room, okay sweetie?" I smiled and she clapped her little hands,"Yay!"

My phone started ringing, I tapped 'answer' at the stop sign and put it to my ear.

J:Hey baby, it's Jason.
S:Oh..why are you calling me, and I am not your baby.
J:I miss you, why aren't you at school?
S:I wanted a day off. Look, stop talking to me.
J:Selena I--

I hung up and parked the car at Ikea. We got out and Becky was already sleeping, so I held her as we walked in. "Who was that on the phone?" He asked a bit concerned, I shrugged,"Jason." I took his hand and we walked to the kids section for beds. He stopped one of the workers and asked,"Excuse me, where can we find the younger girl beds?" The lady said,"Down to the right. Beautiful child by the way, you must be good parents." I chuckled waving my hand off,"Oh no, this is just my friend's kid, we're watching her, and picking out some new room furniture." She laughed and then smiled walking away, we walked to the girls bed section and Becky opened her eyes. "That one Sel!" She pointed at a light pink bed frame with a headboard filled with flowers, animals, and hearts. I chuckled and checked the price, it wasn't that bad, so we got that in the cart. Next was a car seat, we got that, some toys, rug, a desk, a table, and a lamp. When we got home, Justin help build the bed and after it was done. I smiled at how cute and childish it was, so adorable. But I was also tired, yet it was only 6pm, Becky was a bit tired so I put her on her bed and turned the movie Frozen on in her room.

I walked back downstairs to see Justin sitting on the couch with a blanket, watching a random chick flick "There's still some pizza that I ordered from the weekend, want me to warm that up?" I asked him putting two pizzas on a plate and heating it in the microwave. He nods and I sit on the kitchen counter waiting for it to be done. "I like you, and I want us to be more than friends." He walks to me standing between my legs and his hands hold my face by my cheeks. I smile,"Me too." He takes one of my hands and holds it, rubbing circles on my Palm,"Selena..will you be my girlfriend?" I bite my lip and smile wide nodding,"Yes!" The corners of his mouth rise showing his dimples that I love, pulling me in a kiss.

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