Chapter Two

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This is how it begins, in a cold room, on the top floor seated at the table of heads. The kings, queens, knights, and rooks, of my kingdom. The evil I placed in charge of my home, all stared at me with anticipation. Silent and patiently waiting. For they knew not what was coming. I would rarely ever call a meeting in the middle of the week, more or less right after we had just had one. They sat in fear, confusion plastered all over their sorry looks. I was enjoying every second of it. Yes be afraid, be very afraid.

"Now let us begin," I stated, scanning the faces of the liars that sat before me. Raising myself to a stance my palms rested on the table as I elevated.
With every glance, I made at each of my board members their bodies twitched and moved nervously, almost proving to me just how guilty they all were. Pathetic. Where were the poker faces you all promised? It was too easy to see through you. I had grown quite bored of this. At least put up a fight.
Challenge me you lying pieces of filth. You had no problem screwing me over, but now when it's time for your punishment, to atone for your sins, you sit here quivering with fear. Distasteful.
Where is your honour?

"I called you all here today for a pressing matter. It has weighed on my heart for too long and it needs to be addressed." I moved with grace heading to the door. From where I stood my view was filled with my empire and who poisoned it. Mary, Charlie, Sam, Annakay, Jackson, and Carol. Here sat the people I once trusted with my life. To think just how easily people would throw you to the curb and stomp you to the ground for a simple pay-out. Disgusting. People like them are the scum of this earth. They deserve nothing short of pain and sorrow.

"Ladies, gentlemen, Carol, I am disappointed..." I tread slowly soaking up all the confusion and anxiousness that oozed from them. "To think that I brought you into my home, took you from nothing, lifted you all up into something of greatness, and made you members of my empire; only to have you all stab me in the back. I'm hurt." "What are you going on about this time Ace?" Jackson boldly interrupted causing my attention and rage to turn to him.

"Jackson my old friend. You were the first one I discovered. Standing on the train tracks in a subway in New York, right on the verge of taking your own life. Pathetic if I do say so myself. Of course, that was not what I thought at the time. No, what I saw was promise. I saw a young man who could be something if given the chance, and I gave you that chance. I took you from a worthless low life to the best fucking sales marketer in the city of New York in a matter of months. You've been with me the longest. Seen all my ups and downs, all the blood, sweat, and fucking hard work I put into this company; and then you turn around and tried to sell it behind my back." I finished and the life in his eyes faded. His face went pale, and his look was now shrouded with dread.

"What are you talking about Ace?" He chuckled nervously with fear lacing his tone. He shouldn't be afraid just yet. "Ace! Jackson would never do that to you!"
"Yes Anna, only you would know what Jackson is capable of. Since you always seem to have his cock down your throat as of late. You know him better than anyone." Her mouth dropped in shock as I finished.
"Does your husband know about all those trips to Fiji and Bora Bora that Jackson here has been so kind to pay for? Is he aware of all the hotels; and how can I forget those lovely films you both star in?" I said with a look of disgust plastered on my face before tossing a few pictures their way. Showcasing all the compromising positions and acrobatics Anna was capable of, that no doubt her husband had ever seen.

"There's plenty more where that came from, not only that I have the full version in 4k. I could play it for you both if you'd like to see it." My look of disgust was now smug. They sat in silence dreading all the now obvious repercussions.

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