Chapter Three

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Today dragged on for what felt like months. The halls of this house were stifling and dreary and they stretch on for miles. The left wing of the Gates Manor had been stained with blood countless times. With Her blood too. This was where she was exiled to spend the remainder of her life Richard stole from her. I hated it here. Every second spent in these walls feels like an eternity of never-ending suffering. If Limbo was a real place, I'm sure it would be here. The only thing keeping me alive is August and April who won't seem to leave their poor brother to die in peace. I loved them dearly. Despite having different mothers, they are still my siblings, and I would go to war for them. If only I could take them away from this place. They would be free to live a life they chose. Free from all this mental torment father puts them through.  

Within seconds a loud buzz came from my intercom pulling me from my thoughts. I kept getting bothered and that bothered me. A sigh left my lips as I treaded over to answer. "Ace? You there?" A small voice answered. Shifting the flap on the keyhole I peered through. Chastity? A look of confusion cloaked my brows. What was she doing here this late?

"Ace, I know you're there. Can we talk?" She spoke once more and my skin tingled. Her voice was always one of my favourite traits about her. She could easily get me to lose my seed when she spoke. Without saying a word, I opened, and she entered. I knew what she was here for; and I was willing to give it to her. She came this far; it would be cruel of me to not treat her with the utmost care. The last time she was here, she swore she would never come back. Yet here she is and no doubt here to have me taste her sweet core. The meeting was tomorrow but I guess the urge to see me was just too great. Don't worry my sweet Chastity, I will make tonight memorable. Her impressive frame was just as small and cute as I remembered. I was never the type to be attracted to Asian women. Mainly because they looked like children in my eyes; but Chastity was nothing like that.

 Her Asian features mixed with her beautiful cocoa coloured skin so perfectly, from her father's side of course. Her blue eyes were like the depts of the ocean, dark and filled with so much mystery. She had lips that were pink and thin, with thighs that could stifle a man. "Ace?" Her eyes turned to me, and a look of longing was now on her face. "Chastity?" My lips curled into a smirk as I treaded over to the kitchen area as she trailed behind me. "What brings you here so late? You do know the meeting isn't until tomorrow, right?" I started, pulling out two glasses from my cabinet and pouring us some wine. "That's exactly why I wanted to come here tonight. We can't do this... I can't do this."

She spoke and it took some time to sink in. She came all the way here, just to tell me that we couldn't work together. How cold could this woman be? "What do you mean? Can't do what?" I handed her the glass. She took it and with a gulp, she spoke. "I can't be your partner anymore Ace." She started. "I told you I can change the contract if it pleases you." I took a sip. "It's not the contract Ace..." She paused. "It's us." Of course, it was. I knew she couldn't keep what we had behind her. What happened between us was a mistake and I can see that now. She was being childish and selfish. She knew how much my company was suffering, and she decided to pull out now. Chastity you evil, fickle woman. Why can't you just keep this professional? 

"So, you came all the way here tonight, just to tell me that you're pulling out?" I poured another drink. I needed to keep my cool. Acting up would only show her how desperate I was. "Ace, I've had a long time to think about this. I can't work with you anymore. Not after what happened." A sigh left my lips as my gaze met her. "I have told you before. I have no intention of being with you or any other woman for that matter. So, you can rest easy."

"That's the problem Ace!" She started. I knew where this was going, and I knew how this would end. "You don't want me, and you never did. It took me so long to get over you. So many sleepless nights. I didn't shower for days. Days Ace!" 

There she goes again, blaming me for her lack of professionalism. Playing the victim as if she was the only one who was affected. Because I slept with her, she ruined my reputation. She walked out in the middle of closing the biggest deal to put my company ahead of my father's. The investors were not only insulted, but they were also disgusted. It was obvious that there was something between us and they looked down on me for that. Sleeping with my rainmaker. I was a laughingstock. It was bad enough that I was young; but sleeping with the one who was bringing in the bag, that just made it worse. "You're not the only one who suffered because of our little hiccup. Remember that, Chastity." I took another sip to calm myself. 

"You lost a few investors Ace. I lost my identity, my peace, my freaking sanity. I was disgraced and left to pick myself up." She started. "I loved you, Ace. With everything in me, but you didn't care a damn about me!" She wasn't wrong, but it wasn't like she didn't know that. I had expressed my feelings towards dating and relationships before that night; but she, like every woman I come across, thought she could change my mind. A delusion that would only cause her pain. She did this to herself. "But you knew that..." I spoke and her eyes fluttered. "I did tell you that I had no intention of being with you. What you decided to do with that piece of information, had nothing to do with me." I ended with yet another sip of wine. My eyes wondered over to her to find a look of anger plastered on her face. Here it comes.

"Then why did you have sex with me!? Why didn't you stop me if you had known that my feelings for you would be such a bother!?" Her tone was now laced with poison. "Why wouldn't I? I would never turn down a woman in need; and you Chastity, you were needy." My tone was now sharp and also laced with poison. How dear she stood there and blamed me for her weakness? This was just pathetic. Utterly ridiculous. She came here, to my home, not to give me hope in reviving my company, but to break my heart and blame it on the past. Surely, she knew how much I needed her and her assets at this point in my life; and she refused to help because of what happened between us. A meaningless fling that only lasted a few hours. This was disgraceful. The absolute last time I will mix business and pleasure.

"Fuck you Ace! You didn't even have the decency to break up with me properly." Her eyes watered. "You did it over text, when I was already on my way here. To make matters worse, when I got here you were already knee deep in your secretary. I was embarrassed and hurt; and the only thing you said to me that night was, did you see my text." She finished and a tear fell. It's always been a wonder how easily they cry. I have said nothing to this fickle woman to make her loose herself in such a manner; and yet, she breaks down. A depiction of how badly she states that I've hurt her. Disgraceful. 

"How wasteful. Crying over a man who you knew wanted nothing from you. Woman truly are amusing." A sigh left my lips as the light in her eyes vanished. I always knew it would come to this. "Do as you please Chasity. Pull your clients, pull your people. I have nothing else to say on this matter. You caused this hurt on yourself by putting your hat where you can't reach. I did tell you sex was nothing to me; and I did tell you, I do not love." A breath left me as I finished. I do regret this, but it was inevitable. She would have eventually pulled out and left me to drown. This way was just safer. If I had changed the contract, it would have bonded her to my company and to my side. She made the right choice, for herself.

"Now, if there is nothing else..." I treaded to the door before opening. "Please leave."

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