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Within mere seconds, Sash had completely taken over my dressing area. She ruled with such force it was terrifying. Her demands were nothing short of perfection and the staff was struggling to keep up. Before I realized, I was dolled up and ready for the camera with lines rehearsed to flawlessness.

I entered my sitting room and was instantly greeted with a choir of hellos. Seated across from where I stood were the blood sucking vermin scum who were here to paint me as a criminal. They were all here to juice the details of that night and to ultimately force me to confess to the murder. An action that I will not do. Instead, I will woo them, give them a story that's worth more than the scoop they so need.

My posture straightened; my tongue glossed my lips, and my eyes were now fixed on my prey. With a breath, I treaded with poise over to the seating area. I unbuttoned my jacket and sat slowly, as the eyes of the room followed my every move. That's right you vultures, watch as your meal put on a show. I snuggled into the back of the couch as my arm rested on the top. From where I sat, I was in full view of Katelyn's hard work. She really does show out when she should. From the natural lighting that pierced through the curtains and kissed my features, to where the cameras were set up to capture my godliness. She managed to turn my usually boring sitting room into the perfect stage to execute my next plan. With a shout from the camera man in front of us, we were live.

"So, Mr Gates..." Her lips moved to break the silence and my gaze met hers, trapping her. Now it begins. "Please, Reese, call me Ace." My tone was now soft and purred with each word. "Well Ace, it's good to have you here with us. With everything going on I can only imagine how hard it's been for you. Being the youngest member of the Ken's group, dominating the media with your ever-growing presence and now this, being the main suspect in the brutal murder of Abbygale Winter." She finished and a smirk played onto her lips as she awaited my response.

Reese Weathers, Manhattan's top reporter and top journalist. I used to love her work when she just started out. Your typical country girl goes to the city to pursue her dreams; that was until she started ruining lives. Writing exposés and gossip sheets that damaged households and broke up families. She turned into just another soul sucking reporter who would do anything to get their hands on the next big scoop. Regardless, I won't back down. She will be humbled, and at her own game.

"You're right. It has been quite stressful these past few days. As you saw on the news, my home has been under investigation as they're currently trying to find all the necessary clues to find her killer. Myself has also been under investigation since she was found in my apartment, and I was the last person to have seen her alive. Rest her soul." I paused in preparation for her response. "Did you know miss Abbygale? As per what we're hearing, she wasn't only found in your apartment, she was also found naked. Did you and miss Abby have a sexual relationship, were you two dating, sexting buddies? Anything like that?" She paused and her eyes scanned my face for weakness that she did not find.

"No, miss Abbygale and I had never met until the night before she passed. So, we did not have any sexual relations, nor did we the night we met either. Miss Abby was actually my saviour that night as she protected me from getting robbed." My tone went soft and frail as I sold my story. Lifting my gaze to her look she was confused. She was unaware of that piece of information. Her team's failure was my trump card. "Did she? How heroic." Her icy glare froze the room. Someone will be getting an earful after this interview was over.

"Yes, of course. Turns out I was drugged on the night miss Abbygale met me. She was the one who took me home; and because I was at the mercy of what was in my system, she made sure to stay with me since I was being targeted. I did not know miss Abbygale, but she saved my life, and she will be remembered. Abbygale's death has been hard for everyone, but none like the people that loved her." I paused and allowed tears to fall. The smoke from the candle Sash lit was finally irritating my eyes enough to shed tears. A quick glance at Reese and she was shocked, rendered speechless. I continued.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get so emotional." I pulled out my handkerchief and dabbed my cheek knowing it was only a matter of seconds before the next batch of tears. "Losing a loved one is never easy, I would know. The loss is even greater when unexpected. It wasn't Abbygale's time yet. Her life was stolen from her by an act of hate. But we shouldn't give up hope, because that killer will be found. We have the best detective in Manhattan on her case, and he will not rest until the culprit is found." Tears fell once more as I breathed in the passing smoke. Another glance at Reese and her eyes watered with sympathy. I had her in my clutches and it was time to deliver the finishing blow.

"I know this won't lessen the damaged that monster caused or bring back Abbygale, but at least I can help with her burial. I will be donating $100,000 from my own pockets to the grieving family of Abbygale Winter. As I said, this is nothing compared to the hurt her family is facing at this time but at least they won't need to worry about her funeral." As I finished tears flowed from Reese's eyes and soaked her dress. I took that opportunity and pulled her into my embrace as the rest of her staff broke down in tears. Checkmate.

If I didn't learn anything else from father, I did learn to always throw money at your problems.

"Thank you for coming Reese, speaking with you was enlightening." Cupping her hands in mine I brought them to my lips before placing a small peck. "Well played Mr. Gates, I don't know what you did to seem less like an ass today, but that mask will slip; and I will be there to ruin you." Her words were sharp and cut my skin deep, but her threats were nothing to me. Simply worthless and empty.

Pulling her body into mine, I pressed her against me. My fingers curled a strand of her hair and my lips travelled to her ear. I allowed my breath to tickle her as she slowly grew red. "Your threats don't scare me Reese, cute attempt though. I'll give you an A for effort." I licked the tip of her ear and a groan slipped from her. "We both know this is just to get my attention. If you behave, I'll let you taste me again." From where I stood her heart echoed and her breath quickened, a cute response. Kissing her cheek, I pulled away and showed her out.

With the last batch of staff leaving, I gathered my girls, and we went over the next steps for my success. Katelyn got her orders and Sash took my measurements for the new suit that I will wear at the BOH Gala. All was going according to my vision, and I aimed to let it continue. After our discussion, Katelyn left, and Sash and I got to catch up. She filled me in on her proposal that took place on her trip. She was even expecting her first mini her. I was thrilled to say the least. Someone finally saw how magical Sash was and that put my mind at ease. Before long it was her time to leave also. As heartbreaking as it was to see her go, she was going home to a man who no doubt loved her. I walked her to the door and lifted my hand to open when a soft knock came from the other side.

"Expecting someone?" Sash's eyes widened and a smirk was now on her glossy lips. A chuckle left me as I shook my head. "Well, someone's out there." Her face lit up with excitement. "It could just be the twins." I replied with a shrug. " Like April and August are gonna knock before they come in." She laughed before grabbing a hold of the knob and twisting. She was right. They never knock, they just barge right in. The door flew open and standing at my frame was 5ft 4in of clear hurt. Sash scanned the scantily dressed body that blessed my porch and was left shocked. Her fluffy hair was a mess, and her mascara ran from her eyes and down her cheeks. The thin silky dress she wore was torn from the thigh up and her cleavage was exposed.

Seeing her in such a state my heart ached. She fell to her knees and let out a wail that could wake the dead. Sash grabbed her before pulling her into a warm embrace as she tried to console her. My blood burned with anguish for Richard and is wickedness. Why does he continue to do this? When will he stop? How cruel was he to harm a helpless woman? Richard, I hate you.

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