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The more I tried, the more my efforts seemed to be in vain. All I've ever wanted to do, was help. Shine some light down that dark hall; and lift up who was down on their face. From the members on the board to the people I surrounded myself with. I always try to help out where I saw fit; but whenever I did, they spat in my face. The worst part was that I will never learn. Being that I have such a good heart, I would continue to get hurt. If She was still here, she would only tell me to turn the other cheek. "People sometimes can't tell what's good for them until they have it." She would usually say. It was this very line that became the death of her. She kept giving until there was nothing left of her sanity. What she became was an empty vessel of who she once was. It would always tear me up inside to see how much she gave only to have everyone walk all over her; and then she would just turn the other cheek and helped them again.

Saying I was anything like her was beneath me, but maybe I have grown to possess some of her traits. Unfortunately. I only hoped I didn't become as weak as she was. Regardless, I had too much to think about at this point. All those setbacks yesterday, all these surprises would only have a negative impact on my ever-growing presence in the media. The news of me getting arrested would be out in the air soon enough. My company was centred on the purity of the media and music industry; I could only imagine the damage this news will cause when it's released.

Then there was Candy who would no doubt use that money I left to go back to Todd. I'm sure she'd just use it to buy dope so they both could get high and fuck. And how can I forget the Gia situation. She removed me from the will, which only showcased just how much power she had over Richard. She could easily change his mind and worm her way to the top with ease. I'll have to keep an eye on her for now. Then again maybe she wasn't a threat.

Today will no doubt be hard to manoeuvre. Being here is never a good thing. Richard was in his element, and I was out of mine. This was his dwelling, his realm, and he had all the control. I will have no freedom here and that is going to be a problem. I need to get out of here as soon as possible.

Climbing out of bed, I stood before making my way to the kitchen. I tread with caution knowing Richard could be lurking around any corner; and the last thing I wanted was a conversation about my failures this early in the morning. I reached the door, pushing it open, my eyes were filled with the pretty little demon braced against the marble countertop. Her messy curly hair was down and rested on her hips. The violet silk that draped from her golden skin worshiped and highlighted her curves. Her green eyes were droopy, and the natural pink of her lips was unmatched. They gracefully kissed the mug that was held in her small hands. Her breasts were perky, and her nipples stared at me through the soft fabric, begging me for a taste.

My presence was brought to her attention as she turned to face me. The way her eyes fell on me made my skin tingle. She licked the dripping liquid from the side of the mug and a breath was squeezed from my lungs. I felt myself twitch. Gia the things I would do to you. My eyes grew heavy lidded, and a smirk found its way onto my mouth.

"Good morning, Gia." I approached her. As I moved her eyes did the same. Trailing my skin then slowly down to my rod. A smirk was now on her lips. I see you're impressed. If only you knew what it felt like. "Good morning, Ace." The way my name rolled off her tongue was just as sweet as the fragrance she wore. I reached her and there was a dangerous tension to be felt. She lifted herself onto the countertop all without breaking our intense stare off. Her legs parted slowly, and the view was tantalizing. Her plumped cleft was dripping wet and bursting through the cloth that covered it. "You're up early." My eyes scanned her once more as my tongue licked the surface of my lips.

Gia was a sight to behold, and she knew it. She was fully aware of what she was doing. Which only made me more cautious. "I'm making breakfast for my husband." She remarked as her gaze was now focused on my length. Gia you truly are a demon. A tempting, gorgeous, delectable demon.

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