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Driving through the city at this hour has always been a favoured past time of mine. The dark skies illuminated with stars and passing airlines. The lively streets that were over ran with bustling bodies. Some trying to get home, others going to enjoy all the night had to offer. I could relish in the sound of horns in the streets honking at careless drivers. The scent of greasy fried chicken from the food stalls and my favourite of all, the sexy night gypsies that hypnotised with their performance on the poles.

The love I possess for this city could only be compared to my love for women. Speaking of my love for women, one of my least favourites was Candy. See I've known candy for years. She was the girl I intrusted with the task to take my virginity. At the time it meant nothing, she was just there. A beautiful, sweet piece of ass. Candy was my friend, but she was a whore. An uncontrollable nymphomaniac who's only purpose in life was being desired. Third to Gia, and second to Chastity, Candy was gorgeous. Your cliche blonde barbie with doll like blue eyes. She had luscious lips, a product of fillers but nice, nevertheless. Tall slender figure with porcelain skin. She sported a full D-cup and a 24inch waistline. Again, Candy was gorgeous. Where she lacked in brains, she easily made up for it in beauty. This was not always the best thing. She was too easily led and would often cling to any scum that would give her an ounce of attention. Currently she was dating said scum.

A worthless, abusive piece of filth who had nothing to offer this world. Crap like him were only alive to take. They take from everyone around them until there is nothing left. Todd is more of a cliche than Candy. A high school dropout, junkie who aspires to be the next J. Cole. A crack head who will no doubt die of an overdose in a ran down motel with his face between some whore's ass cheeks. Candy's on again and off again boy toy who she just can't seem to leave alone. In her defence she was in love. From what I saw, she was dependent on this piece of shit. She believed that he was the best she could do. In truth she wasn't wrong, but everyone deserves a happy ending. Todd was not that happy ending.

Just before getting ready to settle in for a well needed night of rest, I got a call from a breathless Candy. The poor thing was crying her lungs out; or what was left of it. Wasted tears on pitiful Todd. Candy had told him that she was planning on going back to school. Knowing how stupid this illiterate ignoramus was, he decided that Candy didn't deserve an education. No! Todd wanted Candy to be just as worthless as he was. So, he beat her senseless. Then left her half dead and bleeding out on her bathroom floor. Luckily, she had the strength to move her fingers and gave me a call. By the time I got there however, Todd had already left. In all honesty if he didn't I would no doubt be back in that cell with the detective smiling at my situation. Double Homicide would have been the headline. Instead of a jail cell I was able to take her to the hospital. The story of how she got those injuries were just as amusing. "She fell down a flight of stairs." Did they believe? No. Who would? Candy looked like Jocelyn Wildenstein if she got hit in the face with a metal bat, twice.

The poor thing suffered internal bleeding in her abdomen and fractured a few bones. The doctors were more concerned about whether or not I was the cause of the injuries than the injuries themselves. Of course, knowing who I was helped with the suspicion. They had to take my word for it. The last thing they wanted was this hospital's name in the headlines for the wrong reasons. So, all in all, this worked out fine. "She's awake Mr Gates."
Now for this idiot. She will be given a chance. Once again, I will be her saviour; but this time it will come at a cost. Candy has been given too many chances, and with them she ruined herself. Running back to him expecting him to save her. This time will be different. She will be given a choice. Her decision will either be the death of our relationship or the beginning of a new life. "I'll be right there." I stood with grace and a sigh of relief left my lips. With that I followed behind the doctor. Just the thought that Todd could have taken her away from me made my blood boil. Candy, although an idiot, she was my idiot. She always knew just how to put a smile on my face. She had a beautiful soul and deserved more.

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