| Eight|

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This whole day has been a mess. A damn shit show if I do say so myself. From Gia who won't seem to take a hint, to Abby's death and now this. Dinner with the "family". There is nothing more that could possibly make this day any worse, I honestly thought that to be true. I was being optimistic, foolish to be more franked. Just when I thought my day couldn't get any worse a call came in from father. He requested to have me join them for dinner. Leaving no room for my denial, he practically insisted. More like demanded but who was I to decline. Now look at me, sitting here with a glass of wine resting between my fingers and a knife at my throat. Not an actual knife of course; but this is a fate far worse than death. That knife to my throat doesn't sound too bad.

To make matters worse I can't go back home. Which means I'll have to stay here for a while. This damn house, in the right wing where Her room was. The detective and his lackies have now turned my humble abode into a damn crime scene. Yellow tapes and restrictions. I can't even get into my own damn building. Having me as the main suspect was bad enough, but now this crap.

"Ace, my boy..." He spoke pulling me from my thoughts. "Heard you got into a bit of a kerfuffle with the law this morning." His tongue was sharp, but he kept his smug look hidden as he took a sip from his cup. Smart move Richard but still bold. "It's funny you should mention that father, was Gia the one to inform you of this?" His gaze fell on her, and a cold stare froze her from across the table. "Why would Gia inform me of this?" My head tilted over to where she sat. Her look was now shrouded with despair. By the look on her face, it was clear he had no idea she was in my office. Which could only mean she was not supposed to be there.

Oh Gia, disobeying your master so soon; and here I thought he was the one pulling the strings. With a look of plea in her eyes, she begged for my silence to which I obliged. "Just a thought father." A small sigh left her lips, but it would not be for long. Knowing father this will not rest, he would find out eventually. Which will not be good for her. "Well, I heard the charges have been dropped." He remarked with a scoff. "If I didn't know any better father, I'd think you didn't want them to drop." His actions came to a sudden halt and his eyes fell on me. A glare of scorn sunk into my skin, and I knew, he didn't want me out. That could only allude to him being the one who had Abby killed to get rid of me. Framing me for her death to have me put behind bars. Being the scum of my life was not enough for him, no, he wanted me gone too. I see.

No. Slow your role Ace, there's still so much you do not know. "A criminal belongs behind bars." He said proudly with a tilt of his glass. An interesting choice of words Richard. You never fail to amuse me.

"And yet, you walk free", a chuckle slipped from my lips. "Mind your tongue boy." He rose from his chair and warned as his finger belittled me. Mocking me. Reminding me of his status and that I was nothing. "Apologies father, I didn't mean to offend you." He slowly lowered himself back into his seat and a dead silence cloaked the dining room. "Gia my love..."

Here it comes, I knew he wouldn't let it go. If nothing else Richard was a jealous man. "Come here." His tone was stern and brought her to an instant stance. Gia treaded over to him with caution, but nothing could prepare her for what would come next. Within seconds father's hand raised and landed on her soft skin. Gia fell to the floor in shock holding her cheek as it now grew red. April and August could only turn away to restrain their tears. They could not say nor assist her. They too would get punished if they did. Tears formed in her beautiful dull green eyes, and it hurt me. No woman deserved this treatment. Gia was a bitch, but she was still just a girl. "Can I be excused?" Her small voice shook breaking my sanity with each word. "Yes, you may", he turned and finished his meal. There was no remorse in his eyes, no hurt for her. He simply didn't care. Father your cruelty knows no bounds, and in front of the children at that. You cold, cold man.

She stood and the tears fell, soaking the Persian rug beneath us in her sorrows. My eyes trailed behind her as she disappeared into the dark hallway. Turning to face him, my gaze narrowed and burned with despise. Richard Gates, I hate you. I loathe you with every fibre of my being. "Was that really necessary? Did you have to do that here? In front of the children? Have you any decency?" I snapped. I was disgusted and with good reason. This was something he was known for. It's the same way he would treat Her when she was still alive. He had no love for Her and Gia is no exception to his jealous wrath. She will no doubt be his next victim. He will kill Gia in the same way he did Her. I will not stand for it. Not again. Too many have fallen to the hands of this man. It ends here. Tonight, will be the last he raises his hand to hit a woman, I will make sure of it. She has to go.

With that thought I took a stance and left the table in silence. I made my way to the kitchen in search of Gia who was no doubt crying her beautiful eyes out, ruining her mascara. Heartbreaking really. In the far corner sat a shadow who was curled into a ball on the floor. Gia was a mess. A look that I knew all too well. It was impossible for any woman to survive the cruelty of Richard. They would either break or snap, giving way to insanity and in some cases suicide. Gia was a bitch and a careless child, but not even she deserved this life. I approached her with caution and a scoff left her lips. "Do you feel pity for me now?" A look of sympathy crawled unto my face. This poor child. If she stays here, it will be the death of her. "Pity? No child, I feel for you what I would feel for anyone in your position." I reached her. My body towered over her petite frame. She was so small and being in the state she was in I felt compelled. Urged to give her a hug, which I did not do. "You don't know anything." she muttered as her voice shook. "I know enough to know that this will not end well for you Gia. Go home. This family is not for the weak; and you doll, are weak."

It was the truth; Gia was a child. She did not belong in this house, in this family. We would only break her still developing mind. She will need her sanity for the years to come. Stupid girl, can't you see this is for your own good? You need to go home.

The sudden outburst of a chuckle pulled me from my thoughts and back to the issues at hand. She was laughing. "Wouldn't you like that? You really are something Ace," she scoffed. Her gaze met mine and a sharp glare pierced my soul. "I'm here to stay..." she rose and made her presence known. "I'm going nowhere." A smile crossed her now bruised lips and I knew. Gia was beyond my help. She was already too far gone. "You chose your fate..." I stepped away and headed to the door to excuse myself. "You will die here." With that I took my leave.

Being in that house always seem to always bring out the worse in people. Greed, lust, hatred, and the worst of all, the foolish illusion that you don't want to leave. The walls are drenched in the blood of Richard's past. The foundation was built on counterfeit and fraud. The hallways whistle with lies and the hidden rooms held untold truths.

Going back there is always a feat. Regardless of all that hides beneath the surface of that house, it will be mine. By that time, I will purge these putrid grounds and make them flourish again; and Richard's bones will build the new structure. Gia's stunt only placed a dent in my plans, nothing more. She will be gone soon enough. When that day comes, my name will retain its rightful place. On the top. In the meantime, I will continue my endeavours. This is just a minor setback. A temporary hiccup. My plans will prevail. Richard Gates you will die.

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