The Ballad of Hopediah Plantar

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The Plantars are travelling in the fwagon through a desert. Sprig is playing the fiddle, while Jean is playing a guitar. Flossie was in the fwagon, reading a book. Anne is watching her cell phone, looking through the photos. One in particular catches her eye, a photo of Toad Tower. "Huh. I don't remember taking this picture of Toad Tower." She states, showing her family the photo. Jean looks over, and Flossie peeks her head out of the trap door. Polly raises her hand. "Oh, that was me. Wanted a little reminder of how we messed those toads up!" She yells the last part, pulling on Hop Pop's eyelids. The elderly frog didn't mind. "Heh, sure did!" He chuckles.
Sprig picks up his fiddle once more. "You know, I've actually been working on a song based on the battle." He announces. This peaks Hop Pop's interest. "Oh! Am I in it?" He asks curiously. Sprig grins. "Maybe." Clearing his throat, he prepares his fiddle. Hop Pop giggles, laying down in the seat with Anne, Polly and Jean. "I'm in it."
Sprig begins to play. "There was a little frog who stood for revolution. The toads didn't like that, so they tried to execute him. But thankfully, our Anne stepped up to take the tower. And she saved Hop Pop, who..."
Hop Pop grins, excited for his part.
"Mostly hid and cowered."
At that, Hop Pop's face fell.
"And cowered and cowered and cowered and cowered and cowered and cowered and cowered and cowered and cowered-"
Hop Pop shook his head, offended. "Alright, that's enough!" He says. The gang, who'd been quietly listening, start clapping. "Wow! Great song, dude!" Anne compliments. Jean and Polly nod in agreement. "Yeah, that was awesome!"
"That was amazing!" Flossie adds.
"Way better than what I could ever do!" Jean chuckles. Anne gives her a funny, knowing look. Hop Pop, on the other hand, turn to the kids in disbelief. "What? Awesome? It was missing all the context! Like what about the time I courageously ran for mayor? Or that time I stood up to those nasty tax collectors?" He asks. The kids wave him off. "Eh. Boring." They chant.
Sprig hops onto the seat next to Anne. "Audiences want clear stakes, Hop Pop. And action." He explained.
Hop Pop sighs. "Feels like just yesterday, people thought I was a revolutionary hero." He mutters to himself.

Flossie, leaning out of the trap door, turns to Jean. The older teen was gently plucking at the strings of her guitar, playing a solo tune. "Hey Jean, you know how to play! Can you play us a song from your world?" She asks curiously. Jean shakes her head. "Maybe later." She chuckles. Anne grins, leaning toward the teen. "Oh, come on! Sing us a song! You have a great singing voice, no matter how much you deny it." She says. Polly, Sprig and Flossie gasp. "You can sing?!"
"Oh, you gotta sing something now!"
Jean glares at Anne, who only returned it with a mischievous grin. She was about to say something to throw the young amphibians off, when Hop Pop beat her to it.
"Whoop. Heads up, gang!" The elderly frog points to a sign reading "Bittyburg". "Looks like we're about to stop at our first town." Jean lets out a relieved sigh. This'll keep the younger kids occupied for a while.
Anne gasps, clapping her hands excitedly. "My first town outside of Wartwood! I wonder what it'll be like. Will the frogs be friendly? Will they have a bathroom?"
"Don't get too excited, Anne. It's just your average small town." Hop Pop explains. Anne chuckles. "Pssh, how small can it be-"
"OH MY FROG!" Flossie interrupts, pushing her aside as she leans over the seat and points at the literally tiny town. Anne gasps, looking at the small buildings and frogs. "Wow!"
The Plantars, Flossie and Jean hop down from the fwagon. Anne grins. "It's literally a small town!" She squeals. She and Flossie walk over to a building, and Anne grabs onto the roof. "Just look at the wittle buildings!"
Pulling off the roof, she looks into the building. Many of the bitty frogs inside stop what they're doing, looking up at the human and axolotl in fear as they peer inside. "Uh, yeehaw." Anne chuckles. At that, the bitty's return the "yeehaw!" cheerfully. Flossie and Anne giggle.
"Anne, Floss, please don't destroy the tiny frog's hard work." Jean says, looking down at some angry bitty frogs in particular who were glaring at Anne and Flossie.

Hop Pop gives Bessie some food after the long trip. "There you are, girl." He coos. Hearing some bitties gasping, he turns around to the crowd, confused. "What's all the ruckus?"

"B-but, please! Just listen-" one bitty cried, before being kicked by a green toad. They let out a scream as they were sent flying, soon caught by Anne. "Ooh. I gotcha!"
The toad grins down at the bitties. "Alright. Ya'll know the rules. Pay me, and no one gets hurt." He states. Holding out his hand, the bitties pass him a coin each. "That's right, pay up, keep it coming."
One bitty doesn't give him money. He brings out his son instead, who looks like he's about to cry. "Sorry, Mr. Judro, sir, but I need the money for my boy Bailey. He's been very sick, and, uh-"
Bailey coughs, and the father turns worriedly to his son. "Oh, son."
The bitty frog was harshly grabbed. The toad glares him down, as his son cries out. "I don't want your excuses." He claims, shaking the poor bitty frog. "I want your money!"
The bitties watching gasp, as the toad starts laughing. Anne lets the poor bitty she'd been holding down, looking at the toad and bitty. "Those poor bitties!" She cried. Jean glares at the toad. "What a cu-" before she could finish, Anne slaps her hand over Jean's mouth. "Hubbubbubbubba. Language."
"Someone should do something!"
Hop Pop hums in thought, grinning. "Yes. Somebody should." He steps forward, walking toward the toad while holding up his pants. "Sprig, get that fiddle ready. You might have a song to write. Hyup!"

The toad caught sight of Hop Pop, and turned to, confused. The elderly frog had an air of confidence as he spoke to the toad. "Hey there, uh, feller. Who do you think you are, pushing good people around?"
The toad drops the bitty frog, giving Hop Pop a glare as he turns to face him completely. "I'm Judro Hasselback, and this here's my town. Who in the heck are you?"
"Name's Hopediah Plantar, the frog that's gonna teach you some manners!" Distending his throat, he pushes Judo to the ground. Judro grunts as he stands back up, turning back to the elderly frog who only does it once again, driving him outta the tiny town.
"You'll pay for this!" Judro screams in rage, as he runs off. Hop Pop places his hands on his hips, staring after the runaway toad with determination. "Nobody's paying you anything anymore!" He exclaims after him.
Bailey rushes up to him, hugging his leg. "You saved us, mister!" Hey cries. "Three cheers for Hopediah Plantar!" All together, they raise Hop Pop. With a cheer, they try tossing him up, but can't take the weight as he falls back on them. They don't mind, and instead carry him into the town.
Anne chuckles. "Wow, Hop Pop. Nice work!" She commented. The other kids nod in agreement, complimenting the old frog. He waves them off nonchalantly. "Why, that was nothing. Judro's just a big blowhard. Not like those tax toads I stood up to." He mumbles the last part, just loud enough for the bitties to hear. They gasp.
"You stood up to toads?"
"Tell us the story! Please? Please?" They begged. Hop Pop chuckles. "Aw, sweetie, there's not much to tell." He says.


3 hours later, Hop Pop is still telling the story to the bitties. By now, he had a pillow to sit upon, and a few bitties were fanning him.
"And then I lifted not one, not two, but three toads over my head and threw them off Toad Tower!" Hop Pop told. The bitties "oohed" and "ahed" as they listened, entranced. Meanwhile, the kids sat down behind the bitties, listening. Polly was confused. "Two or three toads? I don't remember that." She says.
"That's because it never happened." Sprig whispers to her. Anne chuckles. "Oh, let him have this. He's just juicing up the details a bit. In my world, we call this marketing." She explains. Flossie, who was listening, let out a sigh. "I don't remember much of what happened after Anne's fight. Only the...thingy." She goes quiet. Jean knew exactly what she was talking about. Being held over the ledge of a tall tower would traumatise anyone.
Anne let out an awkward cough. "Hey, Jean still has to sing us a song, right?" She chuckles. The awkward conversation was forgotten as all the young amphibians turn their gaze to Jean, eyes filled with curiosity and hope.
Jean stared at them awkwardly for a moment. "Well, uh... I-i have stage fright when it comes to singing. So maybe next time." She chuckles nervously, avoiding eye contact. Anne keeps herself from giggling.
"You have no problem singing in front of Charlie." She mutters loud enough for everyone to hear. Jean's face lights up like a Christmas tree. "Really? You HAD to go there?" Anne only returns her embarrassed glare with laughter.
Polly, Sprig and Flossie glanced between Anne and Jean, confused. "Uh...who's Charlie?" Polly asks. Jean, after giving Anne a playful shove, turned to the pollywog with a small blush on her face. "Oh. Charlie's my friend back home." She explains. "I used to hang out with her all the time whenever I wasn't hanging out with Anne, Marcy or Sasha."
Anne elbowed her. "A very, very close friend." She giggles. Jean gives her another playful shove.

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