PART 8: August, 2016

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It's my birthday today and my buddies gave me a lot of presents and even sang happy birthday to me. Because I had a lot of friends at this school, I also received a lot of well wishes from both my seniors and juniors. So yeah, one of my favourite birthdays ever was this one.

I sat beside Yin as my friends kept singing a happy birthday song to me and suddenly Pack entered my class, walking towards my direction.

"This is for you, War," he said while handing me a gift, along with a wide smile. When I opened it, it was the comic I always told him I wanted.

I instantly hugged him after looking at the gift. "Thank you, Pack!"

I just wanted to give him a brief hug but he suddenly hugged me tightly. "Most welcome. I love you, love," he whispered and I broke the hug awkwardly.

I then took something from the table and gave it to him. "This is for you. I hope you like it." Since his birthday was only three days after mine, I got him a shirt as a gift.

"I always like everything that you give me, War." He smiled from ear to ear.

This was the first time Pack and I showed affection in front of people, so all of my classmates made noise as they looked at us. I simply shook my head and begged them to stop doing that since I was uncomfortable.

When I turned to look at Yin who sat beside me, he made an annoying face and I stuck my tongue at him playfully.

"Childish," he muttered.


Yin invited me to eat with him today, so we were walking to a restaurant close to our school after school hours. We walked while holding our hand together and I swung his hand like a child playing around.

"Can we sit here for a while?" Yin asked as we walked at the bus stop.

"Sure!" Having received numerous appreciation and gifts from my friends as well as knowing that I would be spending time with my Yinyin today, I responded with joy.

Yin took the box from his bag and handed it to me. "This is for you," he said while flashing me his sweet smile.

"For me?!" I asked excitedly and he nodded, chuckling looking at my reaction.

Lonely Tears: Teenage YearsWhere stories live. Discover now