PART 12: April, 2017

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Every day, Yin and Fern's friendship grew deeper and they had already developed close friendships. That girl always helped Yin in class, so I could tell he was quite comfortable with her. Until now, Fern and I were only friends because we were classmates and we only talked to each other if something significant needed to be discussed. She seemed to want to be close to me but I didn't like it because I could see how she was staring at Yin. It seemed like she only wanted to be friends with me since I'm Yin's best friend.

If you were to ask me if I was jealous or not, I would have to admit that I was both jealous and slightly upset by Yin's attitude towards Fern. When Yin spoke tenderly to Fern and treated that girl like a princess, I felt jealous. Fern would occasionally sulk around with him and he would always win her over, persuading her.

We had been friends for two years and Yin never tried to persuade me when I was whining or feeling hurt by his behavior. For instance, when he abruptly scolded me, I ignored him for three days but he never attempted to convince me or inquire as to why. As if nothing had happened, he simply ignored me in return. At the end of the day, I will persuade myself and go in search of him repeatedly because I couldn't help myself not to talk to him even for a day.

Now, I'm at Yin's home as I wanna spend my time with him like I always did. We sat on his bed but rather than doing the homework, my eyes focused on Yin. "Do you love me?" I asked while looking at him, who was busy doing mathematics exercises.

"Of course, I love you, War. You are my best friend," he replied, his eyes still focused on the exercise.

I became silent for a while. Remembering how Yin treated Fern as very special, my instinct said maybe Yin has feelings for that girl. I didn't know...but if it was true, I was somehow hurt by that...

I changed my position to sit behind Yin and hugged him from behind, burying my face on his back.

"Are you okay?" He asked, letting me stay in that position.

"Which one do you love the most? Me or Fern?" I didn't want to ask that question but my curiosity made it come out from my mouth.

He chuckled and changed his position to face me. "Why did you ask that silly question?" He inquired while squeezing my cheeks.

"Answer me, Yinnn." I pursed my lips. "I...want to know."

He caressed my hair. "Of course I love you more, my baby Warrrr. Why do I have to love her more than you?" He chuckled.

"The way you treat her...looks special," I spoke slowly in response as I couldn't help feeling jealous of Fern because she had received special attention from Yin. Is Yin interested in Fern? That was a question I couldn't stop asking myself.

Lonely Tears: Teenage YearsWhere stories live. Discover now