PART 14: September, 2017

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Day by day, I felt that Yin and I were drifting further apart. He spent more time with Fern than with me. Also, Yin and I both remained silent about my birthday last month. I also never brought up the topic again. He said he would change it to a different day but he didn't and he doesn't appear to care in the least. Is it true that I am his best friend?

"War, are you free this evening?"

"Let's hang out together. It's been a long time since we went out to spend time together," Yin said to me while giving me his sweet smile.


"Are you serious, Yin?! I'm free!" I always wanted to spend time with him but he was never free, so my voice was incredibly thrilled and pleased when I answered that. I know, I'm so foolish. Despite the fact that he never had time for me, I always had time for him.

After our school ended, we went to the mall near our school. I'm not sure what Yin had planned, perhaps he wanted to take me to a movie, an arcade or something else. I didn't give a damn since I just followed him and I'm overjoyed that I could now finally spend time with him.

"I miss that," I said, almost whispering.

"You miss what?" Yin asked, raising his eyebrows a little and bending slightly, so that his ears were level with me. I was able to smell his perfume because it was so close.

"Nothing," I replied awkwardly while caressing my neck as I didn't expect him to hear it. I spoke very slowly.

Truth be told, I really miss him. I miss going out with just the two of us. I didn't know how I could be so patient with him considering how harshly he treated me sometimes but as long as he was by my side, I would do anything for him. Is it because I love him so much that I don't care if I'm treated badly? I'm not sure...

Yin then held my wrist. "Are you still wearing the watch I gave you, War?" He asked, making me smile.

"Of course, I still wear it."

"I promise to wear it forever, right?" I replied. I really value this watch. My only gift from Yin is this.

Sincerely, I was hoping Yin would have thought to give me something for my birthday last month. I didn't mind if he just gave me a one-dollar bar of chocolate but he said nothing. I chose to disregard it because Yin had already wished me a happy birthday, which I greatly appreciated. It was enough.

"This watch will be broken, War. This is not an expensive watch like you always wear." Yin ruffled my hair while chuckling.

We entered the gift store. I'm not sure why Yin went into this store. Does he intend to buy me a gift? Yeah, I'm kind of hoping.

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