Chapter 67 ❆ Sickness

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We were sat in the lobby and offered a second round of refreshments. I refused since I drank enough tea back in the restaurant. I didn't want to load my bladder too much and have to take frequent trips to the bathroom. Not only would it be inconvenient, it was also quite embarrassing.

Although I did not touch the refreshments any longer, Maun was still very enthusiastic. I remembered this guy loved watermelon juice. Whenever it was on the menu, he would always have it on his side of the table. It was not very obvious since he almost never really made any requests for it, but considering the consistency of it, I would assume it was his favorite.

I wanted to tell him not to drink too much, but the enthusiastic grin on his face as he sipped from the glass made me bite back my tongue.

Herrin and Kaiser left us for a while, so I made myself comfortable—at least tried—on the platform sofa. As usual, the seats were low. However, they were cushioned and reclined a bit back, which made it possible to take on a lazy posture and relax.

I was not at ease though, and unwittingly thought back to the teachings of my mistresses. I could vaguely hear them in my ear correcting my posture and criticizing whatever bend and crook there was that should not be there, so I sat back on my heels, legs closed and spine quite straight.

I cradled the harp on my lap, gently lifting it out of the cloth it was swaddled in. The familiar golden strings and the heart-shaped frame came to sight. I tapped my fingers experimentally on them, invoking the opening of Greensleeves, coaxing out a few notes. I was almost tempted to play the whole song, but I wrestled back the habit and took a deep breath.

I could not play. Not yet. Not until I was certain I would be able to control whatever power I happened to summon unknowingly from this. Unless I was forced to use it, then I would have to avoid it.

"That was a beautiful tune," someone said.

I looked up and saw a long-haired man stride in with Kaiser by his side.

"What song is it? I'm not familiar." He had long, soft violet hair and deep blue eyes and seemed to be in his twenties.

"Something I heard from a dream," I replied with a smile.

"You must have beautiful dreams, then." He went over to where we sat and bowed lightly in greeting.

I stood up out of politeness, returning the bow. "Not often," I said.

"The name is Illuna," he said with a smile.

"Evyionne. This is Maun."

Maun bowed blankly to him, a bit unenthusiastic.

"Will you be playing today?" I asked.

"That's right. When I heard that there would be angel's strings in the talks, I could not resist the opportunity. It's not often you get these kinds of encounters. These things are of value that they can easily be housed in a royal treasury." With that, he gazed at the instrument I carried in my hands. "Is this it?"

"I hope you're not too disappointed," I said.

"No. Not at all. In fact, I'm more than surprised. I did not expect that the owner would be someone as young as yourself. Which family do you belong to?"

"We come from a merchant family. An uncle of mine owns a ship at the ports and my aunt owns a few businesses here and there," I said, remembering our cover story. They had covered nearly every base and gave a very comprehensive and logical story, with (forged) evidences and irrefutable logic to back it up.

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