Facts 1-10, Celebrities

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The following facts will be about celebrities, enjoy. You can request categories in the comment section.

1. Brittany Murphy claims she started speaking at 4 and a half months. She also says she was a very "energetic child, really bubbly...extremely precocious"

2. Justin Bieber is listed as one of the Top 10 YouTube stars of the decade.

3. Walt Disney was afraid of mice. He made mickey mouse to get over his fear.

4. George Clooney owned a pet pig named Max.

5. Daryl Hannah is co creator of the board game Liebrary

6. Both Olsen twins had to wear fake teeth during the later years of Full House because their smiles began to look different.

7. When he was little, Ben Affleck asked his mom for a dog and she tested him by making him walk an imaginary pup for a week. In the end, he only lasted five days and didn't get the dog.

8. Though Christina Aguilera is of Ecuadorian descent and recorded an album in Spanish, she doesn't speak the language. I gathered that when she said mai gousta kantaar

9. Elvis Presley made his first appearance on national television in 1956. He sang Blue Suede Shoes and Heartbreak Hotel on The Dorsey Brothers Show.

10. Queen Elizabeth II unveiled a statue of a dung beetle at the London Zoo, but declined to attend the dedication of a children's playground and walkway dedicated to Diana, Princess of Wales.

I hope you enjoyed thoose facts!

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